Chapter 25 - No fuel

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"Fucked and drank all night
Acted all alright
Had no need to fight
Tonight, tonight"

Harley's P.O.V.

George has been calling Alix for an hour now. Non-stop.

- "He's calling again... you think I should answer?" Alix asked looking at her phone, she was scared, I was scared. We knew we were fucked, but what's done is done.

The phone stopped ringing after a minute.

- "I still can't believe you ran away from home. Your parents are going to kill you when you get back." Liam pointed out.

- "Yeah bestie, thanks for stating the obvious. Like we aren't scared shitless enough already." I said sarcastically and wrapped an arm around Alix.

- "We'll call them once we get there. Since we are already in trouble, might as well enjoy it." I smiled softly and kissed her on top of the head, making her sight and put her phone away nodding before resting her head on my shoulder.

I could hear Matt chuckling and I looked at him annoyed.

- "What's so funny?" I asked in a tired tone. I'm already sick of this guy and we haven't even been with him for a full day.

- "Nothing, just found the whole situation funny." He said with a stupid smile still on his face.

I decided not to answer him, I had no energy for more problems right now. I just wanted to make the most of it.

- "Hey, guys! We're going to stop for a bit to eat something, I'm hungry as hell and I have some sandwiches calling for me right now." Leo said from the front seat making me smile a bit. He ate before we left, like forty minutes ago.

- "Jesus Christ! Does this guy ever stop?" Matt whispered annoyed before getting his pack of cigarettes out.

As soon as we pulled over, we all got out to stretch our legs. Once outside, we all walked around for a bit breathing in fresh air.

Luna and Leo were seated on a stone while Leo devoured a sandwich and Lune shook her head laughing. Alix was talking to June about something and Matt was smoking a cigarette. I looked for Liam but didn't see him.

Going inside RV I saw him take something and drink from a bottle of water before getting up and putting the bottle away.

- "Hey L?" I asked making him jump a bit.

- "Harley, jesus, you scared the shit out of me. I'm going now, just drinking some water." He sounded nervous and was kind of twitchy.

- "What was that you took? Are you sick or something?" I asked, my eyebrow raised.

- "Hum, yeah sick, that's it. Let's go and eat with the guys. C'mon!" He said and clapped his hands a little too energetic and almost ran out of the RV.

Something is going on with him, I can tell. I just don't know what. I've noticed he's either always tired as fuck or really energetic, like pumped up.

Thinking for a bit, I looked at his backpack and thought about seeing if I could find something there, but decided not to violate his privacy and moved back outside to be greeted by something that made my blood boil.

Matt, being all flirty with Alix once again. He was too close to her for my liking and she was laughing at what he was saying.

Moving towards them, I wrapped my arm around my girl and kissed her forcefully, cutting their conversation and stunning her a bit before she relaxed and kissed me back, pulling me more to her. I congratulated myself mentally and after a few seconds broke the kiss, only to see that Matt was still there with an annoying smirk on his face. Alix hugged me and I wrapped my arms around her, so she had her back to him now.

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