Chapter 3

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I will  post a new chapter soon for my other story. If you haven't read it, I recommend you go check it out! Or... You know... Don't... :-(

Lai peered up at Rainamist, her grandmother's old house. Through the soft mist, she saw towering pillars covered in flowers, glass staircases, domed ceilings, and beautiful draped vines made of blooms that coated the walls of what seemed to be a planetarium. Or maybe a greenhouse? By Elvin standards, it was rather small and humble, but beautiful nonetheless.

The front doors were not coated in any precious jewels, but were instead made of soft, smoothly carved wood. 

When they arrived inside, Lai gasped. There was not a jewel in sight, except maybe for some carved in the complicated crystal walls. Her mom led her up the stairs, and to a small room on the left. It was beautiful, what with the glowing stars on the ceiling and the soft-looking bed, but it held an air of loneliness and sadness. Her mom sat on the bed, rumpling the perfect covers. She scooped up a worn, teal book with some sort of bird on the cover, and flipped through the pages, silently crying. Lai scrambled to see what it was her mom was looking at, but all she saw was a squat bottle and a flareadon- omg it wanted  to change it to flatbread... XD prattles pin before she slammed it shut. Lai must have looked hurt, so her mom comforted her with, "there there, it's just secret information."

Secret? Secret? Wasn't my grandmother just a normal elf? Sophiemai Foster wasn't that special..... was she?

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