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drawing attached is to show the position they're in, because I'm not great at description :) - kat

Friday. July 3, 1987

It was a day before America's most prideful holiday of the year and the summer sun was raging down on the camp as counselors, Nancy and Jonathan prepared the festivities. Jonathan took note of the fact that Steve was nowhere to be seen, having been the one who ordered the two to set up while he left camp to buy drinks for the so-called counselor after party. Counselors were scattered around camp, some watching kids at the quarry, another on cafeteria duty and a few making rounds to make sure nobody was still in bed. God forbid a child attempt to stay inside on a beautiful day in July. The idea was to prepare a few hundred water balloons to play with the next day as a sort of game rotation day. However, the budget was cut short due to Steve's ulterior motives of money usage so the balloons were leftovers from his house party the year before. Nancy eyed the balloons they had gathered for the games and scrunched her nose.

"These things look like they were made in '68" Nancy pouted down at the colorful pile in her hands. Jonathan smirked, Nancy had the tendency to complain but he found it so amusing. To his advantage, though, he was always able to help.

"I'll take over balloon duty, just help me with the water," Jonathan offered, getting on his knees in front of her. She stumbled away for a second, taken aback before realizing he was gathering the balloons off the floor. He held one up, looking at her expectantly.

"Right," She said, blushing. She positioned the water hose towards him, and he chuckled at her awkwardness. He attached the mouth of the hose to the balloon and they began to work together.

Nancy looked apprehensive, wondering when exactly her boyfriend would return. Her gaze wandered off, hose in hand, when she felt something poke her foot.

"Nance," She looked down at Jonathan who's finger was jabbing at her shoe, to get her attention. She frowned. "You have to turn the water on," Jonathan smiled. "So we can start."

She shook her head, snapping herself out of the daze. "Oh y-yeah. Duh." She tapped her palm onto her head, pretending to remember.

"You alright, Nance?" Jonathan pondered. And curse his soft eyes for making her melt like that. No. She had Steve. Steve was safe. Steve was good. Steve was comfortable. Steve was cool. He gave her a future. Opportunities. She should be more grateful.

"Nance?" Jonathan asked again. She bit her lip in thought, eyes glued on the floor off to her right. "Nancy."

"Huh?" She awoke, "What? What."

"Are you okay?" Jonathan asked, this time he reached his hand up to grab hers. She flinched. She stared down at him, should she tell him? Her mouth opened, as if ready to speak but she was cut off.

"Nancy," Steve's voice rang a few feet away and Nancy was quick to step back, distancing herself from Jonathan who dropped his hand. Of course, Steve would arrive at the worst possible moment. As always. "What are you doing on the floor, loser?" Steve rose an eyebrow at Jonathan who rolled his eyes.

Steve didn't wait for an answer, simply put his arm around Nancy who's face was still red. He smirked at her, planting a kiss on her lips right in front of Jonathan who was gripping the balloon tightly in his hand.

"You look good," Steve whispered into her neck and she looked down apologetically at Jonathan. "Let's go to my cabin and start this party early, huh? I bought enough beer to last till the end of the summer." With that, he looked down at Jonathan with a wink, like he knew exactly what would happen with Nancy that night. Jonathan wanted to rip the guy's head off.

"Don't worry, Byers." Steve tapped his foot against Jonathan's knee. "You'll get laid eventually. If you're lucky maybe she'll be half as good as Nancy over here." He gripped her hip.

Jonathan pursed his lips, trying not to look visibly angered. "Yeah, maybe."

Steve laughed, "Attaboy, just, you know," Steve looked around for a second, as if Nancy wasn't right by his side. "Hopefully not as easy."

Her cheeks grew pink once again and she tried laugh it off. She just wished Jonathan would speak up. Defend her. Save her. He sat there, not even half the man she needed him to be.

"I've gotta get the beer from my car. See you in five, yeah?" Steve smacked his lips, giving her a once over before sauntering away. Nancy rubbed her arms, sighing with a nod.

Once Steve was out of sight, Jonathan rose to his feet. "Nancy," He tried to meet her gaze but she wouldn't comply.

"Whatever, Jonathan." She shrugged. "Finish this, I'll be back in an hour." Nancy crossed her arms and walked away.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. But she was gone.

➳ ➳➳

damn i kinda liked this idk

also regarding last chapter, I asked how your 2018 was going and a lot of you said not good so i just wanted to say i love you and i hope your year gets better :)

q: are you ready for the 4th of july chapter(s)?

a: quite. It's gonna be wild :-------)


1/17/2018 @3:14 pm

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