The Begining. *Edited*

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I never understood why people have to die. Why must people leave? They never understand that there's a hole left behind where they used to be, no one can fill the void where they had left behind. I'm afraid of dying, the thought of not knowing where you are going to end up terrifies me.

"Dear diary I will no longer be the sad little girl I once was..." Elena always tended to read out loud when she writes. I stand near her doorway, crossing my arms as I lean on the opening as she practices trying to be happy.

I sigh," Elena you don't have to practice, if you're not happy don't try and pretend." She gets up and brushes by me, putting her diary on her shelf. We haven't always been the closest sisters but it's become strained after our parent's death. I look down as I clink my boots together trying to real in my emotions, Jeremy walks by.

" what are you? The wicked witch of the west?" He busts out laughing as he believes he's the funniest thing in the world.

"Jenna! Eliza has become her true self, a witch!" I shake my head as I head downstairs and grab an apple from the basket. Jenna smiles at me as she gathers her things.

"Okay number two pencil, what else am I forgetting? Lunch money?" I laugh as Jeremy takes Elena's cup of coffee

"It's all about the coffee Jenna," she says as she reaches for another cup

"Don't you have a meeting with your bosses today?" She stops and looks at her watch

"O shoot now, love you be safe!" She yells as she bolts out the door, I chuckle as I take my bag off the counter and start heading towards the door.

"Jeremy," Elena turns to our brother

"Don't start Elena." He glares at us as he walks out the door slamming it in the process. I walk by her putting my hand on her shoulder brushing her straight hair out of her face as I make my way to Bonnie's car.

Bonnie smiles as I pull open the bright blue door and slide in, pulling my curls behind my ear, "hey Liz you good?" I shake my head and laugh as Elena gets in the back, "hey Bonnie!" She laughs as she hugs Bonnie through the seat, Bonnie smiles as we buckle up and start our journey to the great High School of Mystic Falls. I stare at the buildings passing by

" I predicted Obama and Heath Ledger.." I look at Bonnie as she's focusing on the road, feeling eyes on her she glances at me.

"Why don't you ask your grams about it?" She shakes her head, worries written in her eyes,

"Elena...Elena is back in the car." I turn around as Elena is awoken from her trance.

"Sorry, Bonnie you were saying?"

I turn around as something black hits the window and Bonnie steers to avoid it, I close my eyes and grab onto the dashboard as flashbacks appear pulling me back to the night we went off the bridge starting to feel the cold water surround me, filling my lungs. I wince as the car comes to an abrupt stop.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry Elena, Eliza are you okay?" I glance at Bonnie.

"it's okay we can't be afraid of cars all our life." She smiles as she glances at Elena through the mirror

"I predict this year is going to be kick-ass and that you two will finally be happy." I smile as Bonnie starts the car up again.

As we make our way through the halls Bonnie starts talking about ugly Betty and Veronica, of course, I don't believe she means any of it, trying to keep my thoughts together as we approach our lockers, I turn as Elena gives a feeble attempt at getting Matt's attention

"He hates me." She says as she turns around, I give her a pat saying

"That's not hate it's I'm sad that you broke up with me and listening to air greatest hits." Caroline bounds up with a bright smile on her face.

Eliza Gilbert | Damon Salvatore *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now