Eastern Abbey - Chapter 10

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"What shrine do we head off to next?" Link asks, leaving you up to decide. You pull out your Sheikah Slate, scanning the pins you placed minutes before. Pointing to right part of your map, you motion to the pin of top of Eastern Abbey.

"Let's try that one, it seems easiest to get too," you say. "We don't have to climb cliffs or anything."

"Sounds great. Lets go!" Link replies, dashing off in the direction of the shrine. You closely follow, and nothing stands in your way up until you near the walls guarding the ancient shrine. These walls seemed to be hundreds of years old, as some sections were crumbling or gone entirely. You used these holes to your advantage and walked through.

Inside the walls, large rocks were scattered around, taller than both you and Link. In the center, a large pillar that has decayed over time sits, and not too far away from it, a strange machine rests. There were three machines like this lying around, and they all appeared to be broken beyond repair. Gears were lying on the ground next to one of them, along with some screws. A few arrows were stuck in the wall near you, and you pulled them out to use later if need be.

"These kind of look like that guardian scout we fought in that other shrine," Link says to you, looking at the machines. "Like they're made of the same materials. I wonder if these machines used to fight like the scouts?"

You pull out your Sheikah Slate as it gives off a soft beeping noise. Information about the machine in front of you appears on the screen, and you read it off to Link.

"That machine is called a Decayed Guardian. It's another type of guardian. It's weaker compared to some of the other types, however it's much stronger than a guardian scout. The decayed guardian is unable to move, and many of them have been broken to the point of being unable to work." You glance up at the guardian as you finish reading.

"I guess these ones are broken then. After all, they aren't shooting lasers at us," Link concludes, walking forward. He starts walking towards the shrine, just beyond the wall.

However, as soon as Link passes the guardian, you hear the whir of mechanical motors sputter to life. Link turns to see the guardian shift into action. The once dull machine was now glowing a vibrant pink, matching the color of Calamity Ganon. Its head turns side to side before catching sight of Link, and its eye flashes a bright blue.

Before you can utter a word, a red beam shoots from its eye, landing on the hylian. The guardian's beam is blinking slowly, the machine making harsh beeping noises with every flash. You're frozen in place until the beeping starts to quicken, the blinking of the beam stopping.

It's a targeting beam. You realize.

You regain your senses and sprint towards him.

"Link, watch out!" You scream, leaping out at him. You push him to the ground just as the guardian shoots its laser, the blue beam firing into the wall behind you. Sparks fly and chunks of rock burst into the air as the laser hits, breaking the wall into pieces. Small chips of rock rain down onto you and Link.

You gasp for air as you slam into the ground, dirt smudging onto your face. The beeping starts up again as the guardian gets ready to fire another laser, this time aiming at you. You grab Link's hand and pull him to his feet, shoving the dazed hylian towards one of the boulders you saw earlier.

"Run, you idiot!" You shout, hearing the beeping quicken. You barely make it behind the rock before the guardian fires another laser, hitting the wall only inches away from where you and Link are hiding. You shudder in fear at the thought of being hit by one as you turn to Link.

"Now you owe me," you say with a small smack to Link's shoulder. "You could've gotten yourself killed!"

Link, despite almost dying, cracked a small smile.

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