Plan In Motion

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Ryder's POV

Taylor followed me to the costume shop..

" Ryder why are we here?" She asked as soon as she got out of her car.

" Follow me Tay." I said.

We walked into the store, and I knew exactly where we needed to go. I walked to the wig aisle.

" Are you ready for your make over Tyler?" I asked.

" Who the hell is Tyler?" she asked.

" You Taylor, if we're going to try out for the men's team then we have to look like guys." I say finally telling her my plan..

" Ryder are you fucking stupid? If we were caught do you know how much trouble we would be in?" she whisper yelled..

" Wait Tay you said " If we're caught " does that mean your in?" I ask getting excited!

" Yes Ry I'm in." She says.

I couldn't hold back the squeal that escaped my lips. I walked over and hugged my best friend. I knew she wouldn't let me do this by myself.

" So if my name is Tyler, what's your's?" She asked.

I had to think about that for a moment, but I finally said...

" Ryan.''

We started to looked for wigs that would look natural on us. I ended up finding a dark brown wig, while Taylor found a dirty blonde wig. After finding our hair, we had to find our bodies.


Because if we walked in their with boobs they would know something was up. So we had to find some of those foam muscles. And we found some.

After almost two hours we walked out of that store with everything we would need.. But we had to make on more stop at the sports store.

Once we parked, I walked over to Taylor's car.

" Again I say, Ryder why are we here?" She said.

" We can't exactly walk in there with our pink laces, or pink sticks now can we Tay." I say to her.. She was silent for a moment..

" Ry I can't exactly afford a new stick or equipment right now." She said a little embarrassed and looked away from me.

" Tay I have my dads credit card, so the bill is on him not you. And your repaying us back by trying out for the team with me." I said trying to make her feel better.

She finally looked at me..

" Are you sure Ry?" She asked.

" I'm positive Tay." I tell her.

" Okay." She said getting out of her car.

We walked into the store and walked towards the sticks.

" I know exactly which one I want." Tay said running down the aisle of sticks.

I couldn't help but laugh at her and follow behind her..

We both stopped in front of the new Reebok RIBCOR..

Our eyes huge..

We both looked at each other, smiled and knew those were our new hockey sticks. We each grabbed one, mine being left handed and her's being right handed..

Next we took off to the laces aisle..

My jaw hit the floor seeing all the colours I could choose from.. I picked up a pair of neon rainbow coloured ones and I fell inlove with them, but Taylor brought me back to reality..

" Ry keep in mind their going to want either white or black." She said.

And she was right.

So I picked out a couple pairs of black laces.. But I took those rainbow ones for later on down the road. Taylor just went for a white pair, but she also got a red pair.

After we paid for our things I told Taylor to meet me back at my house so we could go over the plan for the try out.


What do you think?


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