two bros, sittin' in a hot tub

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it was a long, boring day for yugyeom and bambam. they just laid there, sprawled about on bambam's couch, lounging in their boxers and shirts, for it was too hot. they were completely bored, and all their friends were busy. 

all they could think of doing then was watch vines and eat potato chips. one chip remained in the bowl and bambam grabbed it first, popping it into his mouth before yugyeom could take it from him. 

the 16 year old groaned in annoyance and just pushed the now empty bowl to the ground, resting his hands behind his head. bambam simply smiled and plopped his feet onto yugyeom's lap, yawning a bit. 

"would if we made our own vine account?" bambam said randomly, looking up at the ceiling in wonder. 

"where'd you get that from?" yugyeom snorted. 

"well, i don't know? we should try it! we're funny people, right? we could make it big!" bambam said dreamily, sitting up now with a full on, bright grin. 

"i dunno.. i guess we are pretty funny. let's do it." yugyeom grinned, sitting up and grabbing his phone from the coffee table in the middle of the living room. bambam squealed in happiness as yugyeom downloaded the vine app, and once it was finished, he opened it. 

"what's our name going to be?" 

"hmm.. brobamas?" yugyeom snorted. 

"we are definitely putting that one in the maybe list." bambam grinned, taking yugyeom's phone and clicking on the, 'make your own account' option. 

"what about.. water ma lone?" yugyeom grinned. 

"we can't make our vine account be a vine, that's gay." bambam muttered, clicking through things. "hey what should i put for age since you're older than me?" 

"just put 16." yugyeom shrugged. 

"m'kay~" bambam said, clicking that option and continued to click through other things. 

"gay.. would if we did.. bamgayeom? like our names mixed together, with gay inside of it?" yugyeom grinned. 

"that's.. into the trash bin, sorry buddy." 

"dammit.. what about.." 

"HOMIESEXUALS!" they shouted out at the same time, looking at each other. they burst out laughing, nodding their heads quickly. 

"i can just imagine it now.. youtube videos of our vine compilations.. like, yeah, 'all homiesexual vines for june!'" bambam chortled, and yugyeom nodded in agreement. 

"yes! it's perfect man."

"yes." bambam grinned, typing in their new channel name. "what should our profile picture be?" 

"how about.. that one vine of the boy crying angrily?"

"no.. what about that meme of the knuckles guy?"

"okay!" yugyeom grinned. bambam scrolled through yugyeom's questionable gallery, finding the meme and setting it as their picture, saving their profile. 

"now all we need to do is make vines and make it big!" 

"I'VE ALREADY GOT AN IDEA!" yugyeom hollered, jumping up. 

"okay!" bambam grinned.


"bank, i need you to record this, and not ask any questions, and i'll get you a date with my friend lisa!" bambam begged his big brother, clasping his hands together and shaking them back and forth. bank sighed deeply. 

"fine." bank muttered, grabbing yugyeom's phone. 

the two boys stood in front of each other with clothes in their shirts and sunglasses on. bambam held a nerf gun, and bank started recording quietly. 

"i saw you hanging out with caitlyn yesterday!" bambam said sassily, trying not to burst out in laughter. 

"r-rebecca, it's not what you think!" yugyeom gasped, holding his hand over his chest. 

"i won't hesitate, bitch." bambam said darkly, holding the nerf gun up and shooting yugyeom, who just screamed and fell. bank stopped recording, snorting quietly. 

"IT WAS FUNNY, WE EVEN MADE BANK LAUGH!" bambam said cheerfully, jumping up and down and grabbing yugyeom's phone from bank. "c'mere, let's watch it!" bambam said. yugyeom stood up next to him, bank coming around and watching it as well. 

"it's perfect, oh my god, post it." yugyeom grinned. bambam posted the video and they waited by running into bambam's room and pulling trunks on, jumping into bambam's small pool in the backyard.


it's ya boy back at it again with a new book! the chapter titles are obviously going to be vines! and hopefully you guys will enjoy it! 

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