Prove It Prt 1

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I am a very very gay man and you all know my obsession with Jay but God damn Tenneal is so fucking gorgeous LOOK AT HER DAMN!

Also no this is not a Jay miniseries.

Corey's POV

I think I had been walking up and down the Surfers promise for a good hour now, trying desperately at this point to find my friends. See we all decided to hang out when we finished work today, and with me living near by, I was the first one home and changed. I guess I shouldn't be too harsh, maybe traffic is a pain today, or maybe they just all decided to pool together and I just needed to meet them here somewhere soon? I kept periodically checking my phone but to no avail. Even though I had sent a couple of messages to the group asking if plans had changed or if they chose a different meeting spot, I mean as I said, with most of them living close by, I guess I wouldn't really be that upset if they did decide on a new meeting space. It would have made it a lot easier for them but hey. I was just waiting for an answer.

????: "Excuse me mate, I was wondering if you were OK?"

I turned around to see a young lady, maybe around my age with dark hair in a tight bun sitting comfortably on her head. She smiled at me, likely out of concern.

????: "I just uh, my friends and J are sitting down at the Cafe here having a light catch up before we go upstairs to the bowling alley, I've been watching you walking up and down for over an hour now frantically, my friends were starting to worry as well. We were just wondering if you were lost maybe or needed any help?"

Corey: "You are very sweet and thank you for your concern but I'm not lost. I was supposed to be meeting with a group of friends of mine here today after work but no one has shown up yet. I've just been walking between the two spots to see if I might have missed someone, waiting for a text back to see if plans may have changed."

????: "Forgive my rudeness, but I don't think they are very good people to have just left you here by yourself without an explanation."

Corey: "It's OK, you get use to it after a while. It's not their fault really, I mean traffic could be stuck, they could have just chosen a closer location to the majority, I couldn't really be mad as it makes sense."

I could see the concern for me in her eyes as she looked at me. But I couldn't hold up my respect much longer, dropping my eyes so I couldn't look at her. She probably thinks I'm just rude or trying to get pity points.

????: "Well hey why don't you join us for a drink? And when you see your friends you can head off when you are ready. I know Jecinta isn't too keen on someone being by themselves around here. There aren't many nice people around lately."

The idea of being attacked started to far outweigh the idea of being alone and it's true, lately there had been a few attacks and attempted muggings. I wasn't too fussed lately though as I tend to keep to myself unless my friends decide to hang out. I looked over at where she was indicating and noticed her friends all sitting at a large table having a coffee or a cold drink, I looked over at her again as she smiled... Maybe she meant it, and was being polite. I nodded my head. Letting out a quiet ok as she placed her hand on my shoulder and led me over.

????: "My name is Tenneal by the way."

Corey: "I'm Corey."

As we got closer I was able to listen in, I wasn't focusing on my surroundings before because I was actively trying to find my friends but I guess now that I'm heading that way. I focused my attention in that general direction. Listening to the light laughter and friendly conversation going on. I kind of felt a little better knowing I wasn't going to be alone but still. I felt odd.

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