Chapter 17: Motherhood

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Sonia's P

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Sonia's P.O.V

Samuel, the twin and I have discharged from the hospital about a week ago. I spent the past week in bed with the babies, I was lucky my maturity stitches were healed quick. Dr Rose has been helping me a lot, with what to do and not to do. We've gotten really close, It's safe to say I can call her a friend. My mother and father came a couple times yesterday to check on me. My father had something come up and they had to leave. I didn't mind because I had Sam, Norah and Sierra to help me.

I was currently in our bedroom in bed with the twins and Sam. I wasn't ready making the twins sleep in the nursery yet, I was comfortable with them being near Sam and I. Sam was still asleep beside me. My sleeping schedule had completely changed, I wake up every three hours to feed either Luna or Elijah. Sam and I decided to the only bottle feed them during the day twice, I was seriously starting to rethink that. I felt bad for Sam he's been more sleep deprived then I was surprising. With work and now the babies, was really hard for him.

It was currently three o'clock in the middle of the night, Luna needed a diaper change, after putting her to sleep, Elijah woke up hungry. I felt like a cow. I looked over to Sam peacefully sleeping next to Luna and it made me think of the times I'd imagine this. Picturing him laying beside our children. The sight of them melted my heart. I looked back to my baby boy in my arms.

"We should really rethink the bottle feeding agreement babe." I heard Samuels raspy voice say and I turned my attention to him.

"Me too. Let's start tomorrow. Only because they're used to my milk." I smile. And he nods his sleepy head.

"Up to you. It'll be easier for you and me."  Sam whispers with his eyes slightly shut.

"I don't want to make it easier, I want them to bond with us. I read somewhere that breastfeeding helps your baby feel secure." I whisper. Sam opened his eyes.

"Sonia, I'm saying to give it a try at night too. Your health is also important here too. You barely get any sleep babe. He smiles. Oh god, he has that effect on me again. His morning appearance makes me want him even more than I already do. I push my dirty thoughts aways.

"Okay, I will...but starting tomorrow night." I sheepishly smile at him and he nods.

"What time is it?" He rubs his eyes turning his body so he's laying on his back.

"Three in the morning." I tiredly say.
I look down at Elijah and he was finally asleep. I put him on my chest to burb him.

"Okay since I'm up, I'll go finish some documents that were sent. If you need me, call." I nod then he carefully gets off the bed and out of the room.

I was currently downstairs in the living room with Luna and Elijah sleeping next to me on the couch. Samuel was still in the study.

I heard the doorbell ring and walked towards it. When I opened the door and couldn't believe my eyes.

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