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    Lauranna had been wandering the Wilds ever since the Battle of the Five Armies. She had seen her two cousins grow up and have a family of their own, seen her father cry at night, grieving the loss of his daughter, and her aunt try to console a heart that wouldn't be mended. She found her adoptive father, Bilbo Baggins, in his house, writing of his adventure and describing her to the last detail. As she traveled the world, she helped people with her magic, growing crops to be more healthy, terminating bacteria and other deadly diseases from the water. She killed many Orcs and Goblins when they tried to take villages and towns.

    Rumors had begun to spread of a mysterious girl with an orange dress, one side longer than the rest of the hem. On her back were large grey wings, reaching fourteen feet in total. Her long black hair tumbled to her waist, framing a pretty face with blue eyes. She wore no shoes and on her head rested a golden circlet that only resided on the head of the Princess of Erebor, who lay now in the tombs of the Lonely Mountain.

    Thorin caught wind of these rumors and believed that his daughter was not truly gone. At night, he would stand on his balcony and speak softly to the wind, hoping for some sign that Lauranna was out there. But years passed and there was no hard evidence that she was there. Fili and Kili had once caught their uncle talking to the wind and had done the same. And one day, Lauranna was there to answer them.

    "Anna, if you're there, please let us know. Somehow, someway, give us a sign," Kili whispered, Fili's arm around him.

    For a few seconds, nothing happened. But then, a ghostly figure appeared. Orange dress, grey wings, black hair, blue eyes. Lauranna had come home.

    Kili's eyes widened in shock as he stumbled backward to get Thorin, only to crash into his uncle's chest when he turned around.

    "My dear child," Thorin whispered.

    "I'm here, Father," Lauranna said, her voice faint and echoing. "I never left. My destiny is uncomplete. I still have one more quest I must make. And you three and Dis will be on it. When it will happen, I am not sure. What quest it is, I believe I know. But until I know for certain, I will not say."

    Her figure melted into the night, leaving behind a warm breeze that didn't belong in winter.

    Thorin, Kili, and Fili went to bed that night feeling better about her fate, knowing she was still there. She had never left them, merely been transformed into something else. They recognized the dress, the wings, the face. And they recognized the circlet. Thorin had had it made for her for her funeral. A golden circlet with rubies, sapphires, emeralds, diamonds, opals, and other gems to represent her powers rested on her head. And one day, she might just return to rule Erebor herself.

The Princess of Erebor Book 2 (A Lord of the Rings Story)(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now