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Lauren prov:

"Omg omg I'm going to be late." Looking at the time 8:57. I'm already 27 minutes late. I skip my shower and went straight to my closet to see what I could wear. Looking at all my clothes there's nothing that I like. Ughh why is this so hard. I just went with this black dress. With my heels.

Doing my makeup didn't put that much on cause I didn't have enough time

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Doing my makeup didn't put that much on cause I didn't have enough time. Then doing my hair with some curls.

Making sure I look good, I started to grab my bag and head down stairs. In till I remember something "Shit shit shit wheres the rest of the pack?" Going back up stairs looking through all the rooms there was nobody here. "What wheres everyone?" I ask my self. Grabbing my phone I text Normani.

Lauren: hey where you guys at?

Mani: at school

Lauren: what!? Really you didn't wake me up!

Lauren: now I'm going to be late cause of you

Mani: hey! its not my fault ok

Mani: I thought you already woke up and left so I didnt bother looking in your room

Laur: ok I'm sorry, don't get in trouble tell the others to

Mani: Yes ms.jauregui

Laur: shut up, now go

Mani: ugh fine

Smiling at the text I started to make my way down stairs. Normain is my beta I meet her when we were 13.

Making my way downstairs making sure I have every thing. Ok I do let's go. Right before I was about to open the door Melanie, Zayn, and Bebe walked in. Zayn is the wizard/ witch or whatever you want to call it. He helps us with werewolf stuff. Melanie and Bebe already graduate so they stay home with Zayn.

"Oh hey why are you still here, your supposed to be at school already? Its already 9:15." Zany said.

"Well I woke up late." I told him.

"Wow Lauren Jauregui waking up late? I can't believe this." Melanie said laughing.

"Yeah Lauren your never late, your always early. Even when you went to school you will always be the first one in class." Bebe said laughing with Melanie.

Glaring at both of the "stop it guys just because I'm late doesn't mean you can make fun of me."

"We're kidding lauren. Now go before you become even more late." Joked Melanie.

"Shot your right." I said bye to them and headed to my car.

(Skip car trip)

Arriving to the school I parked my car and went out.

Walking across the parking lot (more like running) I made it to the front entrance. Omg I'm so late.

"Lauren don't worry to much." My wolf Aphrodite said to me. "look at the bright side new year, new things. We might even find our mate."

Smiling at what my wolf said, I made my way to my class. I never found my mate before I'm really hope that this year I would. Ether did the members of my pack none of them found there mate yet.

Looking at the number on the paper 138 it says, that's the number of my class. Walking almost all around school I finally found it.

Opening the door all of a sudden the smell of strawberries hit my nose. My eyes quickly went to the girl sitting down by the window.

"MATE, MATE THATS OUR MATE!" Aphrodite my wolf yelled at me. Omg shes so beautiful. I saw her eyes quickly change to gold for a little bit. I could tell my did too. Feeling like I stared at her for ever, I broke the eye contact first.

Making my way to my desk, I started to put my all my stuff down. I could feel her eyes on me. Clearing my throat to get everyone's attention.

"Ok class im sorry for being late its my first year here so i don't really know where i was going." I said while looking at the kids.

"My name is Ms. Jauregui." I said while going to bored to write it down.

Going back I said, "So for the first day i would like to get to know everyone. So i will say you name and then you will say 3 things about yourself."

"Lets start shall we, Austin Mahone?" I said looking around the class, I saw a hand went up.

"I like to play basketball, im 17, and i just moved here." He said and sat back down. I nodded and moved on to the next name.

"Ok, lets see here Dinah Jane?" She raised her hand up. The girl was sitting next to my mate.
"Here dog"
"Lets see i like to play soccer, im 17, and i'm in love with my queen Beyonce." I giggled at the last part. She reminds me of Normani.

Nodding at her I look back at the names.

"Um Camila Cabello?" Looking over the class my eyes meant my mates chocolate brown eyes. So that's her name, its pretty like her.

"Well I like to play on my guitar, I like to sing, and I'm 18." She said in a sweet voice and smiled at me. Feeling myself blush I quickly looked away from her sweet smile.

Ooo 18 that means she illegal to date. Omg stop it lauren that's not important right now we have a class to teach. I said to myself.

Omg looking at the time 8:56, only 4 minutes left till class ends.

"Uggh why can't time go fast?" She wined. "I just want to touch her, i want everyone to know shes ours." She growled. "I know I just want to claim her right now but we have to wait, its not the right time or place." I said in a serious tone.

Right before the last person was finish the bell rang.

I cleared my throat "Um Ms. Cabello can I please speak to you?" I asked her.

"Yeah sure." She said smiling. I love her smile.

Saying bye to all the student, making sure everyones out I walked to the door at locked it.

Thats when my wolf took over. Pining her to the wall.

"Mate." I growled at her.
"Mine." she growled back at me.

I smirked at her "you have no idea how much I wanted to touch you." It was so hard to control myself."

Looking at her she smirked "well now you have me." She whisper in my ear while biting it. If I didn't control myself I would have claim her right here right now.

Thats when the bell rang.

"Come on Ms. Jauregui I don't want to be late for my class." She said smirking.

Clearing my throat "um y-yeah sorry." I said blushing. Pulling away from her I walk to the door a unlock it.

Camila was making her way over to the door but right before she left she whisper something in my ear.

"See you later Ms.Jauregui." Then she kissed my cheek. I felt butterflies in stomach. Her lips are so soft, I just want to kiss her.

Thats when she opened the door and went out. Looking at her walk away I couldn't take my eyes off her.

This year is going to be fun.

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