Coming Alive

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    Lauranna had kept count of the years it had been from the Battle of the Five Armies. It had been sixty years since her death. She had gone to visit Elrond, Galadriel, and Gandalf, who had been working on helping her stay in the physical world as a ghost for longer periods of time. So far, she could be seen for about a year before fading away once more.

    "Morning," Lauranna greeted to the three.

    "Morning, Lady Lauranna," Galadriel said with a smile.

    Lauranna had long since given up on trying to tell her to call her by her name. The White Lady insisted on putting 'Lady' before it. They ran through all the tests once more, and Lauranna was able to be seen for two years straight.

    "Will you stay for the meeting?" Elrond asked her as she was about to leave.

    "I suppose it can't hurt. But I will be out of sight in case someone freaks out at having a ghost nearby," Lauranna agreed.

    Later that very day, a meeting was indeed held. Galadriel had gone back to Lorien, and Gandalf was sitting next to a Hobbit named Frodo Baggins, nephew of Bilbo. Lauranna had grown to love the little Hobbit as though he were her brother. Of course, he didn't know this. She saw Thorin, Dis, Fili, and Kili sitting with Gloin and Gimli.

    "This is the quest that was foretold to me by Galadriel," the princess whispered softly.

    One of the men, Boromir, looked in her direction but saw nothing so he shrugged it off. When the Fellowship was announced, Elrond silenced everyone.

    "There is one last person joining this quest, whether you like it or not. You can come out now, Lauranna Alea Durin," he called.

    Lauranna took a deep breath and appeared to everyone. Her dress and wings, which signified her power, transformed into her war outfit that she had been wearing when she ran into battle sixty years ago. But the circlet remained.

    "I will be accompanying you to Mordor," Lauranna declared, her voice strong and clear.

    Frodo smiled gratefully at her.

    "I know you. You're Bilbo's daughter," he stated.

    "Adopted, but yes. He is my father, as is Thorin Oakenshield. Gandalf took me to Bilbo's house to keep me safe from those who would wish me ill. The reason I got tied up with the Company is because Gandalf only alerted me as to what was going on. Bilbo was terribly confused at the amount of food I was preparing but went with it anyway. When Dwalin arrived, however, I think my father nearly fainted from shock," Lauranna said with a laugh.

    Bilbo entered the room and smiled at his daughter, hugging her gently.

    "Its good to have you back, my dear girl," he told her sincerely.

    "Bilbo, I think it might be time to pass down that Mithril shirt of yours as well as Sting," his daughter informed him. "Frodo, your uncle has a few presents for you before you leave and possibly get hurt."

    Frodo willingly followed his uncle out of the room and Lauranna turned to the others.

    "You all better get ready. We leave at first light. If you're late, you don't come. Thirty minutes after the sun rises, we head out. Understood?" Lauranna asked.

    The Fellowship nodded in agreement and walked off. Her family remained while everyone else left.

    "It has been fifty years since you spoke to us that one time," Kili whispered. "Why didn't you ever come back?"

The Princess of Erebor Book 2 (A Lord of the Rings Story)(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now