Chapter 5

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Hermione sighed as her her loathed cousins walked into her elevator. She was glad her son was with her parents for she did not want Scorpious to hear some words that may spill out of her cousin's mouth.

"Oh looky here we have Beaver, you've gotten your shots right? I don't want your ugly disease" Mckenzie snarled. Hermione rolled her eyes at her cousin's immature insult.

She pressed the floor to her penthouse and crossed her arms ignoring their presence.
"Hermione you've pressed the wrong floor, that's the penthouse" Britany commented.
"Yes I am aware" Hermione answered annoyedly.

"Let her go, maybe she'll be kicked out of the hotel for trying to break in" Mckenzie whispered. The cousin's snickered before walking out of the elevator.

Hermione sighed and jiggled open the door to her room. As she walked in, she smelled a scent of Draco's cologne with a hint of green apples.

"Draco?" She walked into the living room, finding nothing.
She slowly opened the doors to her bedroom. She felt herself being lifted up in the air causing her to squeal.

"Draco! Put me down!" She laughed. She felt her feet touching the floor and laughed again.

"Hello love" Draco grinned and kissed her softly.
"Hello" She said dreamily staring at his grey eyes.

He gifted her a bouquet of roses and a beautiful earring from Italy.
"You didn't have to Draco" Hermione blushed.
"I know but I wanted to" Draco smirked.
"By the way, where's Scorp?" Draco asked noticing that his son was not in her arms.
"With my parents" Hermione answered.

"Good then we have some to do this" Draco smirked slowly taking off her sundress as he trailed his kisses down her neck

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