Experimental Dress Up

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"Is this a question for the both of us?" Jack asked

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"Is this a question for the both of us?" Jack asked.
"Probably?" David shrugged.
"You seem to know more about the subject than I, so you can go first,"
"Alrighty! Well... Certain dresses can be comfortable and loose, but low necklines tend to be a problem, skirts and silky shirts are a good substitute! As for stockings or leggings... Well one is easier to put on than the other, but they're both so comfy and so cute! I can't decide!" David giggled.
"..." Jack was completely silent as he stared at the shorter man currently swishing his tail.
"What?" David asked.
"You experimented one time huh?"
"Oh hush and answer the stupid question!" David pouted. Jack rolled his eyes.
"Me in clothing made for women would be mildly terrifying, therefore I guess a tank and shorts since they're the closest thing to guy clothes among those choices," Jack explained.
"Scaredy cat," David mumbled, ear flattening.

Ask Jack and David Part 2Where stories live. Discover now