You Can Count On Me!- Child! Obito x Child! Reader

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(Y/N) P.O.V

He was always there for me no matter what. And in return I always tried to be there for him. I could make a list, that goes on and on of all the wonderful thing he has done for me.

3rd P.O.V

It was a bright and sunny day in Konoha. And to be expected there were many kids outside playing all different types of games. Some were playing ninja while, others played a simple game of tag. But there was a group of kids who decided to play hide and seek in the woods.

As the person who was 'it' started to count all the kids ran into the woods looking for a place to hide. Most of the kids hid in trees although, a few kids hid in bushes or behind a tree. One of these kids who goes by the name of (Y/N) decided it was best to stay close to the ground. So she ran trough the forest trying to find a place to hide. Soon enough she came across what she thought was the perfect hiding place, which was none other then a wide oak tree. Quickly she ran behind it and sat down, feeling proud of the spot she had chosen to hide. Now all she had to do was wait for someone to come find her. (A/N The reader is 7 right now)

(Y/N) P.O.V

'Whats taking them so long?' I wondered as I peeked around the tree to look around, 'Its been like 2 hours since the game started.'

I continued to sit behind hide the tree for another hour until, I concluded that everyone forgot about me. And naturally I did what anyone normal kid would do and cried my little heart out. Just as I was about to get up and, head back home something or rather someone jumped out in front of me. Startled by the sudden presence of the person I shut my eyes tight and screamed bloody murder.

"Stop screaming would you!" The person yelled at me.

Slowly opening my eyes I saw a boy with short black spiky hair, wearing blue pants as well as a blue coat with orange trimming. Oh! How could I forget to mention the orange goggles he wore. Overall I had to admit he was kinda cute.

"Anyway lets get going. You were the last person I had to find." The boy explained to me while offering me a hand to help me up.

Without hesitation I took the boys hand and stood up.

"Oh! I forgot to introduce myself my name is Obito. Obito Uchiha. Nice to meet you..." The boy now known as Obito introduced himself while smiling broadly.

I smiled as well while saying, "My name is (Y/N) (L/N)!"

From there on me and Obito where always together. Didn't matter what we were doing weather it be training, studying or, even taking a simple nap under a tree. The fact was we were pretty much attached by the hip. We were even as lucky to be on the same genin team!

3rd P.O.V

The genin teams were chosen not to log ago. Most of them have already done over 50 D rank missions. Usually none would of gotten a mission ranked higher but, under special circumstances team Minato has been given the chance to complete a C rank mission. Unfortunately the mission didn't go as smooth as hoped. Thankfully though no one was injured..... badly. Everyone had a couple scraps and cuts, as to be expected.

Feeling a bit guilty the sensei of the team, Minato. Decided to treat the four genin to a one night stay at a fancy hotel. And Obito being Obito didn't want to share a room with Kakashi. So Minato compromised and made Rin and Kakashi share while, (Y/N) and Obito share. (A/N Reader is now 10)

(Y/N) P.O.V

I couldn't sleep for multiple reasons. One being after the 'mission gone wrong'. Two I wasn't all that tired. And three Obito was sleeping right next to me!

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