Mirror!Edd )Reflected(

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A/N: Omg this took SOOOO long to write, I am SO SO sorry updates are so slow guys! Its just there was finals week, and I was really stressed about my creative writing assignment, I promise I'll update faster next time!

Request for: @Stormkitten349 who must be the most patient person in the world because this took SO long for me to get to! I sincerely hope it's worth the wait!(Warning; it's probably not worth the wait)

The first thing you noticed when you entered your shared home was all the clamour and yelling. The second thing you noticed was that your boyfriend Edd was nowhere to be seen.

"I'm going to kill you, you damn bastard!" Tom snarled as you walked through the front door. The eyeless Brit was currently holding the horn-haired Norwegian up by the collar of his hoodie.

"You've gone way too far this time, Tord!" Matt hissed, glaring darkly at the red-hooded boy who was currently on his knees.

"Whoa! whoa!" You called to get the attention of the three boys, grateful when you saw Tom drop Tord, the silver-eyed boy tumbling to the ground ungracefully, "What's going on here, guys? What happened? Where's Edd and why isn't he scolding Tord?" You fired off questions hoping for answers.

A wicked grin broke across Tom's face as he glared down at Tord, "Oh, you're so fucking in for it now, commie," He hissed lowly.

"Come see for yourself, (Y/N)," Matt huffed, softly grabbing your wrist and tugging you down the hallway towards your and Edd's shared room.

When you entered the room, it seemed perfectly normal. Empty, but it looked no different than this morning. "Matt, whatever you're trying to say Tord did now, I don't get it, can't you just tell me?" You requested.

"(N/N)?" That was Edd's voice, but he was nowhere to be seen, "(N/N) that you?" He asked, but the brunet didn't reveal himself to you.

"Edd?" You called, looking around. Your ginger friend dragged you in front of your full body mirror, and you watched Matt leave the room before you turned to it to find a sight that shocked you.

It was not (S/C) skin, (E/C) eyes, and (H/L) (H/C) hair reflected back at you from the glass pane. Instead you were met with the wide chocolate eyes and soft brown hair of your one and only, sweet and lovingly supportive boyfriend.

Normally you would've easily ruled this out as a prank. But with Tord involved, and Matt being stone cold serious instead of his normal giggliness when he tried to help with a prank, you just couldn't push it aside.

"O-o-okay Edd, sweetheart," You chuckled out nervously, "Good prank love, might wanna tell me how you did it," You hummed weakly.

As you lifted your hand you watched the chubby boy in the mirror do the same. There was not the warmth of another human when your hand was placed over his, only the cold glass of the mirror.

"Oh, (Y/N)! My sweet, sweet soda pop!" You smiled shakily, you loved it when he called you that, "Don't look so upset," He urged.

Slowly you sank to your knees, watching Edd do the same. A sad smile graced his features, and you were currently unable to tell if you were distraught or livid.

"Matt said Tord did this to you?" You asked.

"Ya... He, uh, he said something about a beta prototype," He clarified, "Oh but darling who cares about that? Please don't be upset, my sweet!" He added quickly.

You smiled faintly, even laughed a little under your breath, but all the sweet pet names in the world couldn't save your current mood. You weren't sure what happened, or how, but you were absolutely positive that the next time you saw Tord you were going to beat the fuck out of him.

"Just... Just tell me there's someway to get you out of there, please," You begged, sounding desperate even if you tried your best not to.

Edd paused, hesitating and stalling to answer you, "(Y/N)..." He breathed your name out sadly, as if it pained him to say, "I... I don't know," He mumbled.

You were crying, you hadn't really noticed it yourself, but you were. Of course it would be the sweet brunet who noticed it for you.

"Oh, no, no, no!" He panicked. It looked like Edd wanted to reach out to you and wipe away the tears staining your cheeks. But he was unable to move, and only continued to mimic your pose, "Please don't cry, soda pop!" He urged.

You pressed your forehead to the mirror with a deep sigh. The cool glass was pleasant against your heated skin, and you watched as Edd mirrored you once more.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you Tord!" You snarled, twisting your upper body to face the still open bedroom door.

"Calm down, (Y/N)," Edd tried to sooth as you turned back to him, "We-we can fix this, promise," He vowed, giving you a sheepish smile.

"How can you sound so sure when you say that?" You asked him, "You're the one stuck in there!" You called, voice wavering. This was a hopeless situation for sure. You would never be able to be with your boyfriend again, and it was all that Norwegian bastard's fault, "Aren't you even a little scared?"

His gaze flicked from side to side nervously, "Of course I'm scared, if I don't get out of this thing I'll never be able to hold you again," He mumbled, still avoiding your gaze, "But if I can't have hope that I will... Then what will I have?" He muttered softly, his coffee-colored orbs finally meeting your (E/C) gaze.

You smiled softly, and his face lit up just the same, "Okay... Ya..." You breathed, "We'll get you outta there, sweetheart, promise," You hummed softly.

For a moment all was still, all was quiet. The only thing that could've made this better was if Edd was actually there in the room with you, where he could hold you and kiss you. You craved his hold, to be pressed against his chest, feeling the warmth of his body seeping into your skin, with his fingers running through your (H/L) hair slowly. Sadly, that wasn't going to happen.

Silence lingered in the air, a heavy silence, but it wasn't quite suffocating. It was a needed silence.

Your gaze locked onto his, and that's where it stayed, unmoving, unchanging. For a second you wondered what he was thinking about, seeing as his face was currently unreadable, which was odd for him to say the least. But you were no better, your own mind had begun to whirl with it's own horribly complex thoughts.

You allowed yourself to drown in your depression and worry, even though that was a horrible decision. But you couldn't help yourself, what if Edd never did get out? It's not like you could just find someone new, Edd meant far too much to you.

At the same time you couldn't date someone who was stuck inside a mirror(or you might as well just be dating Matt.) There were things you might try to get him out of there, but what if you hurt him? Worse yet, what if you killed him? You'd never be able to live with yourself if you did anything to hurt Edd.

Tumbling, crashing, shouting, and things probably breaking down the hallway brought you back to the current moment. Edd's gaze was still boring through your eyes and into your soul. He wore such an overwhelming look of sorrow and desperation that it hurt your heart to meet his gaze. Still, you couldn't look away.

You heard shouting down the hallway and were just barely able to make out Tom's words.

"-nna go in there and you're going to fix our fucking friend, asshole!" Tom snapped from somewhere in the house, presumably to Tord.

"I already told you, Thomas! I. Don't. Know. How!" Tord growled, sounding much closer to the room.

You looked at Edd, eyes wide with fear. But the spark of hope that flared up in his eyes caused the same warm feeling to blossom in your chest. You forced yourself to smile for him as you placed your hand on the glass over his once more, and Edd copied your movements.

"Whatever happens, you need to know that I love you, (Y/N), I love you so, so much," He said without an ounce of fear in his voice.

"Ya... Ya...! I love you too, Edd, I love you more than you'll ever know. No matter what happens, I love you."

A/N: This was originally intended to be sweeter and cuter and maybe even a little funny, but then I decided to be a horrible person, because I'm a bad person -Daybreak

-Discontinued-Eddsworld x reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now