Ch.2 Cheating

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Yunhae POV:
I grabbed Namjoon's hand and ran up to Taehyung. I had tears in my eyes. I shouted at him.

The girl who he was kissing turned around to face me. She looked at me and then to Namjoon. Her eyes widened.
I looked at Namjoon he had tears in his eyes. I was confused. He then spoke..
Namjoon: Y-Yuna?
Yuna: Uhhh Namjoon?
Taehyung: Yuna Babe you know him?
Yuna: Yes babe.
Taehyung: Yunhae.. I waited for you two years and still you weren't ready soo... I got a little help.
I was angry and I shouted at him..

Before I knew Taehyung slapped me. My cheek was red. I kneeled down. At the moment I was weak. Namjoon stepped in front of me and punched.. Taehyung.

Yuna: Namjoon.. did you really think I would love a nerd like you?
Namjoon: H-How-
I cut him off
Yunhae: Listen Slut. Don't you even dare to call him a nerd.
Yuna: Excuse me?

Yuna came up to me to slap me but I was faster. I slapped her 2 times harder than Taehyung did.

Taehyung: BABE! Are you alright. How could you slap my Baby huh?
Taehyung came up to me. He didn't slap me but punched me. I fell onto the floor. Breathing heavily. As Namjoon saw me on the floor, he grabbed Taehyung onto his collar und punched him 5 times into his face. After that he lets Taehyung go and ran up to me.

Namjoon: Yunhae Are you alright???
Yunhae: Y-Yes! I-It just hurts Namjoon! I cried. Namjoon hugged me tightly. I was crying so much till I had no tears left. I calmed down a little.
Namjoon: Let me walk you home okay?
His voice so calm. He said it while stroking my hair.
I just nodded.

Namjoon POV:
I couldn't believe what happened everything was going too fast. I couldn't believe Yuna said that. Why? Why? Tears ran down my cheeks. Suddenly I was pulled into an embrace. Yunhae hugged me and I hugged her back.

[After some time]
Namjoon POV
We arrived and we stood there silently for a while.

Yunhae: Thank you Namjoon for helping me. Thank you for everything. I-I...
She stuttered.
Namjoon: It's okay. I am here for you no matter what.
Yunhae: Promise?
I chuckled a little.
Namjoon: I Promise.
Yunhae smiled.
Namjoon: Sleep Well okay? I will come pick you up tomorrow for school.
Yunhae: Y-yes Namjoon. Goodnight.
Namjoon: Goodnight.

With that I left.

Yunhae POV:
When I went inside I threw my bag onto the floor, locked the door and went directly into my room. I was living alone. When I arrived in my room, I locked my door and went into the bathroom to take a shower. I thought it was going to relax me a little but it didn't. After a while I got out, went to my room and changed. I went to the kitchen and wanted to make me something to eat when a message Popped up on my screen.

Hey it's me Namjoon.
Oh hey Namjoon. How did you get my number?
I have my ways.
Haha. Okay
Well, I wanted to tell you that I am going to pick you up at 7 a.m okay?
Goodnight :)
Goodnight :)

I was happy that he texted me. I smiled brightly. I ate something and went to my room and jumped onto my bed. When my head hit the pillow my eyes slowly closed.

[Next day]
Namjoon POV:
It was 6 a.m and I was getting ready. Actually school starts at nine and I wanted to pick Yunhae up at 7 a.m because I want to go eat with her breakfast before school. It was 6:30 a.m. I grabbed my Wallet, my bag and my keys and went out of my apartment. Soon I reached Yunhae's house and rang the bell.

Yunhae POV:
As soon as I heard the Doorbell, I rushed to the door and opened it. Namjoon was standing there with a smile plastered on his face. I smiled brightly and hugged him. He hugged me back.

Namjoon: Ready?
Yunhae: Why so early?
Namjoon: You'll See.
He winked.
I just blushed.
Yunhae: O-Okay. Wait a second I'll get my stuff and we can leave.
Namjoon: Oka-
I just ran back into my apartment. Took my stuff and left with Namjoon. We arrived at a Cafè. Namjoon opened the door for me and we entered. As soon as we entered we saw Taehyung and Yuna making out. When they saw us, Taehyung looked at me with annoyance. I was sad. I just stood there frozen.

Namjoon POV:
I saw that Yunhae was sad. She just stood there. I grabbed her hand and went to a table at the back of the Cafè. We were making us comfortable. I looked at her directly into her eyes.

Namjoon: Are you alright?
I said worried.
Yunhae smiled at me and said..
Yunhae: Yes.
I smiled.
Namjoon: Order whatever you want, it's on me.
Yunhae nodded slightly and we both ordered. As we were waiting, we talked about funny things and everything until... Taehyung walked over to us with Yuna.

Taehyung: Look Who we got here.
Namjoon: What's your problem?
Taehyung: My problem is that you are living.
Namjoon: Why? Do you want to die? Omg! If yes then it's fine by me.
I chuckled.
Taehyung eyes moved to Yunhae. She was looking down.
Taehyung: Hey little bitch! How are you doing.
My blood boiled when he called her a bitch. I just wanted to punch him again but instead of me.. Yunhae punched him. I was shocked. She just punched him without hesitation.

A/N: WOOOOOOWWWWW... she really punched him. What will happen next? If you want to know then....

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