Chapter two: motel california

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After a while of driving, passing small towns, a river and an abandoned village the silence was getting really awkward. Ever since they left Liam hasn't been saying a word, only staring out of the car window for hours. Theo didn't say anything either, he felt like Liam just needed time for himself. To break the silence Theo put one of his music cassettes in the radio. He knew all the songs on they playlist because it was the only cassette he owned, the previous driver had left it behind. Most of the songs were really old. At first Theo didn't like them but after a while and probably because the radio didn't work he began to enjoy them. He looked over at Liam but he was still looking out of the window.

And so another hour passed till Liam finally said something. "Theo... I'm hungry" he turned around and looked at Theo for the first time in hours. To him Liam was like a lost little puppy and whatever that boy wanted, he would do everything to get it for him. "We can get some food at the gas station, we need to fill up the tank anyways" Theo suggested before realizing that he still had no money. As if Liam could read his mind he took out his purse. "the good thing is that I have 100$. The bad thing... I think I lost my ID card at the party" he explained. "Well you won't need it I guess" Theo parked the car at the gas station. They were in the middle of nowhere and Theo wasn't even sure if it was open. At least the gas pump was working. "Hello?" Liam walked inside the building. The man at the cash register was either sleeping or dead, none of them wanted to walk over and check so instead they grabbed everything they wanted. "Do you think this is okay?" Liam whispered. "Don't worry about it, this one doesn't even have cameras." Theo grabbed some bottles of whiskey, a pack of cigarettes and of course a bag of sour cream chips before leaving. Liam struggled to carry everything with him without letting something fall down.

"You smoke?" Liam asked as they got in the car and Theo put a cigarette in his mouth. "Yeah. Is that a problem for you? I can smoke outside if you don't like the smell." He replied.

"No its okay I was just... Surprised." Liam wasn't really surprised, maybe a little disappointed because he didn't want Theo to be smoking.

"Well I've been smoking for 4 years I think. It's a bad habit I know." He lit up the cigarette and started the car.

"Yeah..." Liam sighed and looked out of the window. "Where are we going?"

"Leaving the state is probably the best thing to do first but it's getting dark soon and I suggest we stay at a Motel over night?"

"Yeah that sounds good. I'm really tired of all this driving."

"If we find a motel... Can you get my phone out of my pocket and try to find out where exactly we are because I'm not sure if this is the right highway."

"You're not sure!?" Liam checked Theo's jacket for his phone. "I can't find it!"

"In my jeans pocket."

"Which jeans pocket!?"

"Back pocket!"

Liam nodded and got the phone out of Theo's back pocket. "I-I got it." He was hiding his blush behind the phone screen and opened the maps. "Okay I think this is the right way. We should have passed a river at some point."

"River? Liam are you sure you got the right map? Look around we're technically in a desert."

"Oh wait I thought this was highway 68 but it's actually 86. There is a tag on the map about ten miles away. It says 'motel glen capri'."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2018 ⏰

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