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"So, our second period is History with Professor Λυκάνθρωπος?" his name must be even greeker than Miss Νεράιδα's. So translating it into readable and sayable terms his name would be pronounced "Lykánthropos, sounds right". I looked over to a giggling Felicity as she said "it should, he is the teacher with the second most pronounceable name" her amusement made me smile as well. She was skipping happily and Delilah was walking slowly almost trudging behind. I stopped walking for a second and started walking again when she caught up to me and I asked "so, let me guess. You hate this class?" she looked up at me and smiled as she said "no, I just get bored easily in this class" I chuckled at the joyous tone that somebody was talking to her.

I then inquired "why do you think it's boring?" she shrugged and said lazily "I don't know, I guess it's because I'm not learning anything about my people" I thought she just meant that she had a rare heritage so I inquired again cheerfully "what do you mean?" she said angrily "we don't learn anything about fairies in History. We only learn of the war between Humans and Mystics" I tilted my head as I asked intrigued "oh you mean Humans and the people with guns in Germany threatening world domination?" she raised an eyebrow as she said "no, what's that? Here just come on you'll see". We sped past the group who gave us quizzical looks and into the room. She brought me to an empty pair of seats and a minute later the other four entered and sat separated throughout the room except for Grayson and Emmery. I think they're like conjoined at the hip. I've never seen them split up the entire two days I've known them.

The teacher walked in and instantly you could tell he was enthusiastic, with a bit of a slouched back probably from spinal issues. He was tall nonetheless though and he smiled when he looked at me. I saw a pair of some of the sharpest canine teeth I have ever seen. Well, except when I was younger and little Bill bit into my arm when I wouldn't give him my animal cracker for a snack. He drew blood, and long story short he looked like a freaking vampire after the teacher got him to let go and he smiled at me as he got carried to the principal's office. I still get shivers, I even shivered while thinking about it. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Mr. Lykánthropos said "good morning class" I heard a lot of mumbles from students as I looked around and then Mr. Lykánthropos spoke again and said "today we'll be continuing to learn about the war between humans and Mystics" I blinked as I mumbled to myself questioningly "what?".

As I was in my thoughts I didn't notice another student enter. I heard Mr. Lykánthropos say "Ah Daren, thanks for deciding to join us today". I watched this Daren shrug and he walked towards Grayson and Emmery. When he got to them he sat down in the seat behind Emmery and Grayson turned around to face him before sticking his fist out and doing a handshake with him. Emmery just stuck her hand behind her for a high five so he high fived her and Mr. Lykánthropos said "okay well class. Let's continue, shall we? 600 BCD ago There were two types of people, Mystics which are us mystical beings and humans the magicless beings. We didn't agree on many things including the fact that some of us were being hunted for rare things. Does anyone know any of those things?" Emmery raised her hand instantly and said "yeah, they killed Phoenix's for their special feathers that would instantly send a help flare or start an emergency fire or light up a dark place if needed. They never even thought to ask them for a feather." I was very confused as he said "exactly, thank you Emmery" he then moved over towards a chalkboard and started mapping out a building with very detailed areas. He then stopped when a castle was finished and turned towards us as he asked: "does anyone know what this is?".

I looked down to think and finally, it hit me, I have heard of this war! I raised my hand and said "that is the castle of deliberation! The castle where supposedly Mystics had to give up their liberty and live in a secluded place in the world! The humans won the war all because they twisted the thoughts of a very powerful Mystic". Mr. Lykánthropos clapped and said "well done, Mason. Someone did their research" Emmery looked over at me and gave a small grin before quickly turning back around to listen to the lesson.

A half-hour later the bell rang throughout the school and we all stood and gathered our materials before being released and the six of us met up with Daren. Daren smirked and said, "so you went and got yourselves a nerd to do your homework?" I glared and said, "look, I may be smart but I am not a nerd and I am right here". Emmery looked over at me and nodded as she said "he is right you know Daren. He is a person, he is right here, and he is our friend" Daren rolled his eyes and said "I guess you guys lost your cool, I'm out" Grayson moved forwards and grabbed Daren by the back of the collar of his shirt as Daren went to walk away and he said "we didn't lose our cool, we lost you, and that makes us cooler. Not to mention if you ever insult one of my friends ever again. Well, let's just say you might end up ten feet in the ground. Our families haven't fought for years, don't make us". He let go of Daren's collar and shoved him with it forwards before walking out with Emmery right behind him. The rest started to follow so Levi grabbed my shoulder and said "come on let's hurry to the third period" and so we pursued them. 

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