Prove It Prt 3

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Corey's POV

As I waited in my unit for them to arrive, I really couldn't imagine how different my life would be over what it was before. 

Lachlan: "I'm nearly there, You ready?"

Corey: "Yeah I'm ready mate, I'll wait for you downstairs."

Lachlan: "Sounds good, Oh Mitch is in the back seat now."

Corey: "Why doesn't he just sit in the front with you?"

Mitch: "I get more room in the back."

Corey: "Uh, I mean sure but still..."

In my defence, Both Mitch and Lachlan have been acting pretty odd around me lately, Well I say lately. It's been about 2 months now since I've met them all. The day I tried to run away from Jay, The day they all told my friends to get fucked essentially and kept me close to them. I was still a stranger at that point But they treated me like a normal person deserves to be treated. I was still getting use to them being nice to me in the first place but I'm starting to be a bit more myself around them. Well most of them anyway. I didn't see their friends all that often, But on the plus side they all invited me out for something.

Lachlan: "Well we are entering your parking space now see you soon."

Corey: "See you soon."

I hung up the phone and grabbed my wallet, Keys and made sure I had everything turned off before I walked out of my place and locked the door behind me. Waiting for it to open up, I got a message on my phone but I ignored it for now. It was probably from one of the boys Lachlan introduced me to. It probably didn't help that he got me in a video with him a few weeks ago stealing an idea from another one of his friends that has apparently done it a few times. It was funny seeing him covered in Egg though.

Corey: "Hey?"

Lachlan: "Hey you ready to go?

Corey: "Well I can't exactly go back now can I?"

I walked over to the passenger side of his car and hopped into the front beside the older Power boy, And I swear I heard Mitch let out a little aww. It was cute to me but at the same time, I don't know. They have both been acting pretty odd for the past couple of days. Random messages from them at times that they should be busy, Whether Mitch is supposed to be at work or Lachlan is editing in the other room while I was hanging out at his place getting something ready or prepared. 

Mitch: "Any idea where we are going?"

Corey: "Do you think Lachlan tells me anything that he thinks up? Come on man."

Lachlan: "Boys day out. Something different."

Corey: "Oh, Ok fair enough."

Mitch: "Why am I here then? I have my own mates to hang out with."

Corey: "Because you want to hang out with me don't you?"

Mitch: "That's true."

It was awkward for me being in the car with these two. I had my suspicions but I had a feeling that the two guys here had a thing going on between each other and I was at the centre of the shit. I didn't really want to be there but I also don't feel like I have much of a choice... Fuck. I've just gone from being the scape goat for the other friends I use to have to being in the middle of something that is going on. Maybe I'll talk to someone about it.

Corey: "Hey Tyler can I ask you something?"

Tyler: "Hey Corey, What's up mate?"

Corey: "Is something going on with Lachlan and Mitch? I feel like something is going on and I'm caught in the centre."

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