Chapter 3; Lunch Date

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Madilyn's POV;

Mr. Samuels was my math teacher, and it was 39 seconds till lunch and everybody was losing interest, including me.

"Who can tell me..." he was cut off by the bell ringing.

"Homework is practice a-j, and a worksheet I will hand to you at the door. Don't forget!"

I got up from my seat and packed my bag. Math book and math notebook along with the worksheet I had just been handed by Mr. Samuels.

As I was about to exit the room Mr. Samuels called to me.

"Miss Grace, may I talk to you?" oh great. What did I do now?

"Yes, Mr. Samuels sir?" I asked turning around.

"You are quite a bright young lady in math and I have regulated for you to join the lowest senior math class, but I need your permission to guarantee you a spot in the class." he had said and grinned at me.

"Oh uhm I guess sure. Have you asked my mom, she's the one who makes all of my school decisions,"

He interrupted me " Yes yes she said it was perfectly fine. So tomorrow instead of coming to my class you will go to room 30 B."

"Ok thanks." I said and smiled,

"Bye Miss Grace."

"Bye Mr. Samuels" I waved at him and turned around and exited the class room.

I then entered the cafeteria to see Christy standing on top of the middle table.

"Madilyn Grace! Where are you? I want your ass to come sit in this chair next to me and Harry! Madilyn Grace!" Everybody stared at me and Christy shrieked.

Harry got up and walked over to where I was. He gave me a slight smile and mumbled a quiet "sorry" before escorting me to the middle table where Christy was getting off the chair below it.

"Ah ha! Madilyn Grace your so funny! I knew you thought I was joking!" she laughed again.

"No actually my math teacher needed to talk to me." Harry pulled out my seat next to him and also next to Christy.

I whispered a "thank you" to him and he simply nodded and took a seat on his chair.

"Madilyn." I corrected her,

"What?" Her little bitch brain couldn't fit much in.

"My name is just Madilyn, not Madilyn Grace. You can call me Madi though." I smiled and she returned it.

"Oh yes of course! Let me introduce you to everyone."

She first pointed to the handsome guy sat next to that she was making out with this morning.

"I'm Zayn" he said and smiled. I smiled back politely.

She then pointed to the guy next to him who was also cute. He had light blonde hair and ocean colored blue eyes. She introduced him as Niall.

Then she pointed to the girl next to him. Damn she was pretty. She had sandy blonde hair that came to right above her boobs. She had dark green eyes, Christy introduced her as Sady.

Next was a boy who sat next her was also as handsome as all of them. He had sandy brown hair light blue eyes. He seemed to be keen with Sady, maybe they were together? Christy introduced him as Louis. Selenne was right he was pretty hot.

Next Christy introduced bulkier boy then the rest but he seemed very kitten like. He had soft brown hair that was cut to rust above his ear. But nobody compared to the boy who sat between him and me. Harry.

"And that's Liam" she said finishing off,

"Oh and of course you know Garry." she laughed and he gave her a death stare.

"My name is Harry," he said in a deep raspy British accent. Dang. Why am I falling for this guy?

"So now you know everybody, and just to let you know we don't do this often." She said and took a sip of her Pepsi.

Harry poked me and smiled. I turned around and had a shocked look on my face. I then saw his adorable dimples and smiled back.

Everybody went into conversation, I including, was talking to Harry.

"So what did your math teacher want?" he asked before taking a bite out of his sand which and set it down.

Usually I would tell someone nothing but Harry seemed like somebody I felt really comfortable talking too.

"My math teacher told me I'm moving up a level... well I couple of levels in math."

"Oh" he paused "uh what level?" he asked and took a sip of his drink.

"The lowest senior level." I said taking a chip out of its bag.

He almost spit out the drink in his mouth when he heard my answer.

"No way, that's the math class I'm in!" he smiled and then took one of my chips. I usually would mind but I just felt like Harry and I had some sort of connection.

"So your still coming to the party right?"

" Yeah, I'll be there. I just have to find an outfit." I replied and took a sip of my drink.

"If you want, I can take you to the mall tonight and we like go like shopping and then like uhm... like maybe see a movie?" he asked and smiled.

"Uh yeah sure," I smiled back,

Wait did I just agree to go on a date with him?


Told you I would double update! So how do you like it so far? I'll try to update this weekend as much as I can! ily guys please vote and comment!


Ps my Name is Alana if you want to know!

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