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Liza's POV

Today is my first day at Lincoln High. I moved from Texas to Vernon Hills because of my dad's new job. Let me say I am not happy about. He is always traveling because of his job and I am always stuck in my house alone. Now it'll be worse because since I am new I have no friends to stay with or go places with when my dad's gone. You might've noticed I haven't mentioned my mother in this text, and that because I don't have a mother. My mom died at birth. My dad always says she would've been an amazing mother, but now I'll never get to know. However, it's now 8:30 and I'm waiting for this guy so he can give me a tour of the school and tell me where are my classes. Everyone has an advisory first thing in the morning, which is a little weird to me considering in my last school we had it after lunch. It's 8:45 when this really cute and tall guy wearing all black walks through the office doors.

David: "Hi, I'm David. Are you Elizabeth?"

Liza: "Yeah that's me, but just call me Liza." I said quietly

David: "Ok, Liza. I'll be showing you to your classes and giving you a tour of the school." he says walking out the doors.

Liza: "So David, why are you really volunteering to give new students tours of the school?" I said sounding a little more confident

David: "Well Liza, I don't really like taking classes. Don't tell me you're one of those people who are always the star student." he said chuckling

Liza: "Hell no! I'm the opposite, teachers hate me, I don't pay attention to class, and I skip a lot of classes. I usually fail them too." I said slightly laughing

David: "I think we are going to get along just well."

Liza: "I think so too Dave"

David: "You want to seat with me and my friends today?"

Liza: "Sure that'd be lovely," I said giggling

He showed me to all my classes and showed me where we'd be sitting today. Apparently, they are "the group" of the school. Like the cool kids. They throw all the parties, they are the funniest, and everyone like them. Everyone likes him. David. I've only been here for 3 periods and I swear I've heard more than 20 girls talking about him. Apparently 97% of the girls here like him, 1% aren't into guys and 2% are taken, yet secretly fantasize about him. I walk into the cafeteria and see David waving. I sit down next to him and hope for the best. As soon as I sit next to David all eyes are on me. And not just around the table, but all over the cafeteria.

David: "Hi Liza" he says kissing my cheek "guys this is Liza" he says introducing me to everybody

Gabbie: "Hi Liza I'm Gabbie, this is my boyfriend Zane, Heath, Jason, Carly, Erin, Alex, Kriste, Scotty, Toddy, Matt, Jonah, Corinna, and Brandon." she says nicely.

Liza: "hi!"

Then out of nowhere a girl with a really low skirt and a big attitude comes in and shoves herself in the middle of us both and looks at me with anger and disgust.

??: "Hi babe!"

David: "babe? that's a new one"
??: "who's the new girl?" she says with a huge attitude
David: "she's my girlfriend actually" he says sitting down next to me and kissing my cheek

Everyone is now looking at us with wide eyes

Liza:"yep that's me" I say following his lead yet blushing at the same time

??: "you really settled down for that thing when I'm right here" she said with the biggest attitude

David: "If what your trying to say is if I settled down for this beautiful, talented, and perfect girl, then yes. I did settle down for this" he said to confidently

I am blushing intensively now. He's so sweet, so funny, so nice, so creative, so open, so comfortable to be with, so hot, so dreamy, so lovely, so. Everything. I like him, not going to deny it. I'm not even going to question myself. I like him. A whole lot. It's just, I don't even know the guy. My thoughts get interrupted by Gabbie screaming

Gabbie: "I SHIP IT" 

Next thing I know the girl drags David by his hand to talk to him. Or maybe not. Making out is the reason she pulled him away from the group. I didn't really want to be in the middle of anything so I stood up and left the cafeteria on my way to my locker. Coincidently right next to David. 

David's POV

I like Liza. I like her a lot. I talked to one of the girls that really likes me so she could come up to me, flirt with me and help me make a move on Liza. But kissing me wasn't cool. I never asked her to do that and now Liza is probably never going to like me now. I push Emma off of me and go to find Liza. I find her quietly singing in the hallway standing in front of her locker. She isn't her bubbly self right now.

David: "hi..." I say quietly

Liza: "hi....so....what was that all about?"

David: "just a girl, I didn't want to let down hard saying I didn't want to date her"

Liza: "honest?"

David: "no"

Liza: "so I'll ask again, what was that all about?"

David: "ok, I know this is too soon and I don't want to scare you off but. I kinda, somewhat, in a way like you. A lot. So I asked one of the girls that I know likes me to throw herself at me so I could maybe make the first move in a more discrete way."

Liza: "that's cute...."

David: "I scared you off. Didn't I?"

Liza: "and the kiss?"

David: "I swear that wasn't planned, she just took advantage of the situation"

Liza: "honest"

David: "honest" she hugged me and whispered in my ear lightly

Liza: "I like you too....a lot"

Emma: "you know you're 1 out of 100 right?"

Liza: "what do you mean?"

Emma: "he's a great guy, every single girl in the school really likes him, yet he chose you."

David: "yeah I did. Hey, would you maybe like to go on a date with me?"

Liza: "just ask me out" she said shyly but with a smile

David: "would you like to be my girlfriend Liza?"

Liza: I would love to David Dobrik." she said jumping into my arms.

As soon as she jumped into my arms I found she fit perfectly in my arms, slowly but surely getting her down our faces inched closer. and closer. and closer. and we kissed. A fucking amazing kiss. She was my girlfriend and oh wao was I happy. After we pull apart we go back to the cafeteria and restart.

David: "Hi guys, this is my girlfriend Liza" I say kissing her.

Uploading Tuesdays and Thursdays starting next year (one unexpected upload each week)

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