Chapter 1

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Once upon a time there was a girl and her name was Elena Gilbert is a hybrid vampire/werewolf. She is meant to be with Klaus Mikaelson the original hybrid.

She was turn into a hybrid with magic by a couple of witches spirits. She is keeping it a secret from everybody expect her brother.

Her brother doesn't care. Elena is fated to be with Klaus Mikaelson but doesn't know it yet.

    Let's see what her story unfolds

The story begins here:

Elena:I woke up early and went into the shower for 25 minutes I got out of the shower and got dress into today's outfit.

Elena:I woke up early and went into the shower for 25 minutes I got out of the shower and got dress into today's outfit

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I went downstairs and eat breakfast which was waffle with eggs,bacon,and coffee with blood. I finished eating then I cleaned up the kitchen.

Then I vamp-sped upstairs and started to write in my diary. Dear diary, It's been five months since I turnt into a hybrid and no one knows expect my brother Jeremy and he doesn't care he said I'm still his big sister and he loves me.

I got turnt into a hybrid by a couple of witches spirits magic. One of told why they turnt me.

Her name was Marie and she said we want you to show Klaus Mikaelson that he doesn't need hybrids all he needs is his family.

Just show him that there more in the world. Show how to feel everything around him. Get him to turn his humanity back on. We know he can he just afraid to feel again after a long time.

They help me train and control my hybrid self. They showed me how to fight. I'm in totally control of all my abilities and a perfect fighter.

The witches spirits then said Elena you are Klaus humanity you can make the him and and the Mikaelson family be together forever.

I stop writing in my diary and started to think about Klaus I forgive him but I haven't told him and i feel like something pulling me towards him.

I went downstairs and fix some Lipton tea with sugar and lemon mix with blood. I started to do my history report on ancient times.

I heard the door open and it was Jeremy he said hey lena I said hey jer then he asked what are you doing.

I said my history report and drinking tea. He said I sleeping over at Matt's tonight I said ok be careful and stay safe.

After three hours I finished my history report. I fix me some leftovers Chinese food for dinner.

My phone rung I answered it and it was Bonnie she told me about her, Stefan, Tyler, Damon and Caroline plans.

I said so all the originals are awake including their mother esther. She said yes I said we talked about this tomorrow and I mean all of us then I hung up the phone.

I went upstairs and took a quick shower and got into bed and fell to sleep thinking about tomorrow plans.

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