11.- When chaos rises

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Brooke's POV

Finally things between Aiden and I were settling back to the way they were. I felt like a huge weight had lifted off my shoulders now that he knew. Telling him didn't exactly went as I had planned, but I was happy with the outcome either way. We had talked things threw and with no secrets left between us we were able to move forward. 

While I got dressed for the day Aiden took his turn to shower. I grabbed some light jeans and wanted to go for a cheerful color so I chose to wear my pink shirt. Since I was probably spending another day at the mansion I slipped into my white converse. There was no need for me to be walking on heels all day. I walked over to my dresser and pulled my damp hair up to avoid my pink shirt getting droplets of water on it.

When Aiden came out of the bathroom I had to contain the shock I felt because of how good he looked. Through the mirror I was able to see his reflection behind me. He was wearing dark jeans with a dark shirt that hugged his muscles perfectly. Shooting me a smile he went to grab his black sneakers and sat back on the bed to put them on.

Aiden’s smile turned into a full on smirk before he focused on his shoes, which made me realize I was staring at him and he obviously caught me. I was thankful that he looked away, or else he would have saw the blush that had slowly crept up my face.

I cleared my throat. "Going somewhere fancy?" I asked, in need of something to say.

Aiden glanced up from tying his shoelaces. "John called in a meeting so I'm heading towards the office downtown." He got off the bed and slipped his jacket on, that he had placed earlier on the bed.

"Oh," I said, feeling a bit disappointed that he had to leave so soon. We were finally getting along again and I had hoped we still had some time to get to know each other some more. "I guess I'll see you at lunch then," I shrugged, covering up my disappointment.

Turning away I grabbed the clothes I had slept in, but not before I noticed an unreadable expression cross Aiden’s face. Shrugging it off I went to put the clothes in the laundry basket. I frowned at the clothes in my hand, thinking back at last night when I fell asleep waiting for Aiden. After the argument I had with Aiden and my father I wondered how I was even able to close an eye, let alone sleep through the entire night.

"Actually, I was hoping you would join me," I surprisingly heard Aiden say behind me. 

Turning around to face him I was unable to hide my surprise. "You were?" I asked. 

"Yeah, since you're staying for good we might as well get you more involved with the pack. You're the Luna after all."

Luna. That word alone made my good mood disappear. I never saw myself as Luna of this pack and I doubted I ever would. It felt wrong to be called Luna, knowing the title didn’t belong to me. Especially after all the things Madeline told me about her. The way Madeline talked about her made it obvious that Emma had managed to charm quite a few members of the pack with her spontaneous personality.

Not only did I found it disrespectful to fill her spot, but I was certain I wasn’t going to be able to and then our secret would be out in the open. Once everyone took the time to get to know me they would realize that I was nothing like Emma. And then they would question the bond between Aiden and me.

"We can go for a run afterwards. You haven't shifted in a while." Aiden looked away to grab his phone before I was able to read the expression on his face. The last time I went on a run was with Caleb right before we went to Cole's. That hadn’t ended all too good.

I tried to avoid Aiden’s gaze which was directed at me the moment his phone was tucked into his pocket as he waited for an answer. “I’m fine with staying on the background when it comes to pack business,” I almost whispered as I closed the bathroom door and walked further into the room. “I can meet you afterwards for that run though.”

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