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That whole next day, Crissa was quiet and reflective on campus. She managed to get through her three classes, taking notes, but not really focused on the lectures and their value to the assigned reading. By the afternoon, she had still not eaten anything and walked to the dorm commons dining area alone. Inside, she chose a hamburger, fries, and iced tea—a lunch she usually would have avoided were her thoughts were more directed upon her health. But it was actually David's health she was more concerned with that day. She wondered what he was eating, if anything. And if he had gotten any sleep during those first fall nights he had been in the mountains.

As she sat alone, staring out through the large windows at the students walking by in groups and alone, she contemplated going back up to the cabin to check on him. She quickly realized, however, that David would be even more compelled to be in the forest with the other wolves this coming night, rather inside a human dwelling. And the bigger question was if that interaction with other wolves would be combative or in a manner accepting him. The mating issue was also still paramount in Crissa's mind, in light of how Julie had adapted to the instincts associated with the change. From her own studies of wolves, Crissa knew them to be one of the few creatures of nature that do mate for life.

Just as she was about to get up from the dining table and leave for the library, she was approached by a male student who looked vaguely familiar. As he approached and sat down across from her, Crissa realized it was the guy she had seen in the juice bar in the gym. The one who had befriended Trisha. She remembered clearly how he had looked at her the evening before, and what Trisha's opinion was of him, in spite of acknowledging his attractiveness.

"Hey! Hello again," he said, throwing the notebook he was carrying onto the table. "You're . . . friends with Trish, from San Diego, right?"

Crissa was reluctant to speak at first. She only wished she had gotten up seconds sooner so as not to be caught in the inevitable pressure to respond to him.

"Yeah. We . . . share a room," she said, standing to give the sure signal she was leaving."

"Really? Here on campus? Over at the dorms?"

"That's right."

"Well, hey, wait . . . I want you to give her a message for me . . . OK?"

"Um . . . Alright."

Crissa stood, waiting patiently for his message while looping her book bag over her shoulder.

"Look. My name is Troy," he said, looking up at her enthusiastically. And yours is . . . ?"

She was now unavoidably looking into his handsome face while he projected a friendly, alluring smile.

"Crissa," she said quietly.

"Nice. Well see, being its Friday . . . I'm having this party at my place. Just off campus tomorrow night. Kind of a . . . you know . . . get acquainted thing. With some of us new students."

Crissa nervously looked down at the floor.

"There'll be some cool people coming," he said. "Mostly freshmen like us. You know . . . there'll be some tunes, food, drink. Lot's of it!"

She looked back up.

"So, you're invited too, Crissa. See, attractive women are never turned away from anything I have to do with." He smiled proudly.

The complement was a silly attempt but didn't impress her.

"Well . . . I'll tell Trish for you."

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