Mai gawd xdddd

36 5 8

Lol u can juz tell how dey were trying to make her look beautiful

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Lol u can juz tell how dey were trying to make her look beautiful. I mean look at dat dey even added a BEAUTY MARK of all thingz xddddd. Oh and btw, both Annie and Casey have magenta eyeshadow (Casey has it occasionally and randomly cuz daz like me I LEGIT JUZ WEAR EYESHADOW FOR NO REASON AT VERY RARE TIMEZ XDDDD) and yet Casey lookz better .-. And u can see how they also went for red fur with blue eyes and yet Casey looks better. Lol u can see how dey thought big doe eyes will look pretty. Too big exists ya know .-. And wtf iz with dat hair like srsly??? Ik sometimes I add it on some characterz but hey Jack looks cute in it and so doez my wolf character from A Wolf's Life Snow looks gud in it xddddd and that tail just...i dunno iz botherin me xddddd oh and once again Annie iz another female zootopia vixen dat createz a luv triangle .-. Srsly waz I da only one that thought a vixen can be Nick's sister??? Oh and Y SO SKINNY ENOUGH WITH DA ZERO FIGURES THEY LOOK LIKE EFFIN TWIGZ CRAMMIT like the artists for Skye, Cynthia, Megan, and Annie and the editor for Amy DO NOT know dat proprtionz exist .-. Like wtf iz dis xdddddd

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