I'm Going to be a Teacher

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Nope not a real teacher, I'm not crazy enough to get into that. But it must just be I'm bored cause I feel like playing teacher.

My Book Reviews will now be graded.

100-90= A

89-80  = B

79-70  = C

69-60  = D

59-0  = F

Here is the rubric to explain how points will be given out.

Title possible 10 points.

This is based on how unique your title is. If others on wattpad have the same title a point will be deducted for every person.

Cover possible 10 points.

How visually appealing it is and if it seems to fit what your writing about.

Summary possible 20 points.

Your summary is where you have sell your story. It is also a reflection of your writing.

Plot possible 40 points.

This is the most important part of your story. I'm looking for originality and how well thought out it is.

Character(s) possible 5 points.

How relatable your characters are.

Realism possible 5 points.

Even the craziest Fantasy story has some bases in reality. The way people interact with each other is mainly what I'm looking at.

Writing possible 10 points.

Well if your writing sucks nobody is going to read it. But the writing is only worth 10 points because with proof reading or even an editor that can be fixed. I'm not a grammar expert so I'm looking for things like punctuation, run-on sentences, misspelled words, flow, and stuff that just doesn't sound right.

I'll try to be as unbiased as possible while reviewing. I will l also give notes about why I gave the grade I did.

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