|| Chapter Fifteen - Reunited ||

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Devon began convulsing. His body twitched viciously as the gurgles intensified. His eyelids fluttered open to reveal the whites of his eyes. I was mortified, desperately trying to hold him still.

"Devon!" I cried, tears spilling from my eyes, "Oh god, oh god..." I whimpered, "What do I do? Daddy what do I do?" I looked towards the photo as I held a thrashing Devon down. Truthfully, this is the worst I've ever seen anyone. I know my dad died of cancer, but it was like he was perfect on the Monday and at deaths door by Tuesday. Eerily similar to this.

I heard a cacophony of raised voices before Parker burst into the room, joined by Ace, Joe and Harrison. Parker ran over, pulling me off him, "You don't interfere with seizures!" He hissed.

"This isn't a seizure, he's lost too much blood. Help him! Fucking help him Parker!" I sobbed, clawing at his arms. I was frantic, in a state. Watching Devon- the boy I had actually feared- flopping around like a fish out of water sent me into overdrive. So much has happened, too much has happened too quickly.

"It's a seizure, trust me, I wouldn't let him die!" Parker assured me, turning me around and holding me tightly. I couldn't turn to see Devon, eventually, Parker's stony expression fell and he nodded towards Ace and Joe. Harrison lingered for a moment before turning around and walking away.

Parker looked down at me and gave me a small smile, "He won't die." He repeated. I watched his face, searching for any signs of him lying or tricking me, nothing. He is either an expert liar or I should learn to have a little faith in my bad-mannered peer.

Speaking of, "You're in a gang?" I whispered. Parker's blue orbs widened for a moment, "I know everything." I reasoned, "Well, almost..." I countered, looking away.

"Another time poppet." Parker smiled. He ruffled my hair before handing me over to Harrison- he'd returned at some point during my 'moment' I suppose.

Harrison took me and quickly rushed me away from the scene, "What about Devon..." I asked. He ignored me, pushing me down the stairs, "Devon." I repeated.

"He's fine." Harrison gave in eventually, pushing me into my destroyed living room. I gasped when I beheld Jodi, she was sitting with her arms crossed around her small body. When she saw me, her mouth stretched into a radiant smile. She stood up and bounded over to me, her hair bouncing gleefully on her shoulders.

She pulled me into an embrace, "My girl!" She whispered into my hair, "I got so worried when Harrison had told me you'd called..." Jodi frowned at me, I looked at her expectantly and her shoulders sagged, "We all owe you an explanation, I promise we will, you'll have to wait." She stated.

I swallowed hard and nodded. Jodi's eyes widened as she beheld me, "Don't cry!" She squealed, "everything is okay!" She pulled me into another hug and held me tight, "Devon will bounce back before you know it..." her teasing whisper made me chuckle.

Harrison cleared his throat and got our attention, "We have to get you guys back to the house, it isn't safe." His demand left no room for argument. Especially when it came to Jodi, I don't think he was putting it up for debate.

We both nodded in unison, although I was reluctant to leave, "Can I grab something first?" I asked hopefully. Harrison thought for a moment before nodding.

"Quickly." He said.

I nodded and scampered into the hallway to grab the picture of my parents on their wedding day. I smiled fondly at it and made my way back into the living room, tucking the picture into my pocket. Harrison wrapped an arm around Jodi's waist and lead us both outside to the car. We approached a shiny black vehicle with blacked out windows.

Harrison ushered us into the back and muttered something to the driver before swiftly kissing Jodi goodbye and watching us drive off.

"I don't know you." The driver said, "I'm Rueben." He greeted. I couldn't see much of him, just his scruffy head of auburn hair.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Aria." I said quietly.

"Pretty name." He concluded, "By the looks of things, your name matches your face." I raised my eyes and met his brown ones in the mirror. He winked before looking back at the road.

Jodi rolled her eyes and placed a reassuring hand on my thigh, "Don't mind Reuben, he's a flirt." I heard Reuben cackle, "Anyway, what happened?" She asked, curiosity filling her voice.

"I-I'd rather not right now." I said bluntly.

Jodi looked down for a moment before her perky side took over again, "I get it." Was her only reply. The rest of the journey was completed in comforting silence, I had time to think. Time to worry.

What will happen to Devon? The notorious badboy is down, he's down and he's in a bad way. My eyes burned again, but I kept the tears back. If I had just ran, if I had ran and did as he said, he probably would've been okay.

That said, he was stabbed before Victoria caught up with me. However, he stopped to tell me to run.

I was at a loss.

Jodi shook my leg and snapped me out of my thoughts, "Where'd you go?" She asked.

"Somewhere I didn't want to be." I replied. I heard Reuben suck in a breath before turning into a small passage in between a mass of trees. We drove through the shrubbery and trees until we reached a large house. I gasped as I beheld it.

It was brown, blending in with the trees, there were large windows that allowed the light in and gave an insight into the crisp and clean rooms situated inside. There were masses of people running and fighting outside and others milling around with papers and weapons.

The house. The gangs house.

"It's a shocker." Jodi deadpanned, "Take it all in, I'll be surprised if they ever let you leave again." With a giggle, she danced into the house. Reuben stood next to me as I stared at it.

"Don't take her word for it, it gets boring eventually." He winked at me once more before walking into the masses of people. Reuben was your average guy, unfortunately for him, he had no major outstanding features but he wasn't unattractive. There were a select amount of women, including one... unpleasant one.

Meghan stood with her arms folded over her chest, she was sporting a pair of black leggings with a matching sports bra. Her face was contorted as Jodi spoke to her, clearly not picking up on the ruthless stare Meghan sent my way.

Suddenly she turned on her heel and stormed off into a group of men. They broke apart and a playful brawl started. Jodi waved enthusiastically at me and smiled brightly, motioning for me to come over.

I obliged her, when I reached her she grabbed my hand and dragged me inside, "Let's go find you a room." She beamed.

And we walked through the door.

And we walked through the door. Creative, I know...


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