Ch 18 Sushi Money

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You began to notice Yoongi's little questions from time to time. He varied from you to Namjoon and rarely to Jungkook and Jin. You always thought Namjoon was always with him so he wasn't lonely? Yoongi did actually come home a lot now and shut himself inside his room. A feeling of guilt flooded you as your understanding of this boy was wrong. The days pasted by as you watch his little quirks going from person to person or back and fourth. But overall that spying, you felt bad.

Namjoon was actually busy, due to being the secretary and part manger as his job, he had a ton of paper work to do. Jungkook was always just gaming and never really came out from that area, only to eat, go to the bathroom, or into your guys's room. Jin didn't come to the house as often, only to come to make dinners. You wondered why he only came for dinners but you didn't mind, since you didn't have to cook.

And you? Well, you actually weren't busy at all, you just sat in your room and got out a few more times to visit Hoseok. That was it. Yoongi did come to you, however, he stuttered and always ended up leaving or yelling at me for the incident and that you needed to 'pay him back'. This happened a few times within the past days.

The weekend finally rolled around and it was Saturday. The day where everyone goes out to do something special.


You were going to ask Yoongi to hang out today. Seeing the poor boy made you feel bad, and after his trials of asking you, it was clear you had to make the move. You got ready with a lazy outfit, just a basic sweat pants, a white shirt, white NIKE hat, and some white shoes. Nothing special just basic. You tossed on your tiny black backpack and you paused before going out.

Should I bring a lollipop? I don't think he'll smoke around me though. I'll get one just in case.

With that you ran into your stash of lollipops and grabbed a couple. You actually always had lollipops they were just always easy to eat. As you grabbed a few, you noticed your ACE. The white bell.

You hesitantly looked at it.

I'mma need luck with this boy, let's get out of this room ACE.

You pick it up, grasping the tiny bell between your hand. You attached it to your backpack so it looked like a charm.

After that, you headed out. Yoongi's door was cracked open like always and you gently approached it. You had a plan for the day and you hoped it would work. A basketball game was playing today and you noticed Yoongi loved the sport due to his posters that were plastered in his game room.

A gentle knock on the door and he immediately answered.

"Yes?" He said a bit loudly. You creaked open the door a bit more and noticed he was back faced and on his computer. His hands work onto the game he was playing as you jumped into his room.

"Are you busy?" You asked. He was getting to the end and beat the game with no hesitation. Finally he turned to you.

"Not really." He said with a smug face.


"I have tickets to the basketball ball game you were talking about a couple days ago, wanna come?" You asked pulling up the two strands of paper. He stared at you in surprise.

"O-Oh sure." He mumbled. You smiled.

"Great. I'll meet you outside." You said before walking out. He nodded and you quickly left the awkward scene.


You snatched your keys and saw Jungkook playing games in the living room as usual. You tossed in some bread so it could toast and smeared some butter on it for him.

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