Chapter 1

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*Taehyung's Pov*

"Dad, where's Jimin?"

I shrugged, not paying attention to what Hyeri was asking as I continued to read the article about Nova and I's company. It was quite shocking that the sales were doing impressively good despite the fact that it was only me running it.

"Ugh, that fathead was supposed to come and take me to buy ice cream." She huffed, grabbing her phone that was on the coffee table to call him.

"You know Hyeri, do you still want to marry Jimin?" I asked jokingly and looked up, seeing her disgusted expression as she let out a fake gag, rolling her eyes.

"No dad, I don't ever want to marry that dummy. He's too ugly to be dating someone as precious as me." She grinned, dramatically flipping her brown hair behind her shoulder. I laughed and shook my head, remembering how attached she was to him when Nova passed away.

No matter how much she says she hates him or makes fun of him, whenever they were together, he made her feel better when she cried every single night for months after she'd get nightmares from seeing her mothers bleeding body in the courtroom. He'd force her to get out the house and take her on trips with Mijoo.

Jimin and Mijoo were no longer together after founding out that she was sneaking around at night whenever Jimin was sleeping. He suspected her of sleeping around but when he found her, she was in a karaoke room with her friends, singing her heart out. They got into an argument and she left him because he didn't trust her enough to be alone in public without him. The relationship was toxic anyways but what relationship isn't?

"I hope you brushed your teeth this morning before calling me names you cockroach." Jimin walked into the room with Ara– who was holding a plastic scalpel in her hand.

She ran towards me smiling with her missing tooth, looking exactly like her mother when she was younger.

"Daddy!" She screamed, opening my arms as she jumped into them. I smiled widely, kissing the top of her head and placed her on my lap.

"How's my little princess doing today? Did you finish playing with your weird doll?" Moving her brown hair from her eyes. She definitely has my hair and lips but everything else is Nova's. The nose, features, and especially the big, brown eyes.

"It's not a weird doll, it's an anatomy jane!" She frustratedly tells me for the twentieth time but it goes in one ear and out the other. I liked to make fun of her when it came to her toys, she always gives the best reaction.

"Why do you like learning about the organs princess? Why not a regular doll?" I asked. It was a good thing that my four year old was interested in anatomy but she's four for crying out loud. I would expect her to barely know how to use the bathroom on her own.

"Because it's very fun daddy. The pink, squishy one is the heart and the long swirls are the interstane." She toothlessly smiled. She was a smart little girl.

"Intestines." I corrected her.

"Oh shut up." She got off my lap and marched away, but not before grabbing her decapitated bear.

"She wants to be a doctor dad." Hyeri grabbed her purse from the table and grinned–until throwing a pillow at Jimin.

"Where have you been you loser? Do you know how long I've been waiting here for you?" She crossed her arms over her chest, her smile disappearing.

He caught the pillow, a shock look in his face. "I was just getting ready to get you but then Ara took me away to see if I wanted to help her pop her dolls head open for surgery."

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