32: Those Chestnut Eyes

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Song: Start of Time

Artist: Gabrielle Aplin 

Those Chestnut Eyes

I didn't think it would be that good. I didn't know how long or how many times we had sex, but it felt amazing. She'd grip my hair, drag her nails down my skin, press herself against me with her eyes shut. I hovered over her like a protector, ran my fingers through her hair that got damper by the hour and kissed every part of her. I didn't want it to stop, and neither did Gabriella.

I stared at the ceiling and listened to the sound of car honks, distant chatter, and music on another warm morning in Havana. The curtains of the balcony blew since I opened the door slightly during the night for a cool breeze. Thankful though because mixed odors filled the air.

I placed my arms behind my head and turned to Gabriella. She laid on her stomach and hugged the pillow under her head. She looked less mad and crazy when she was asleep. I reached over and traced my index finger along her jawline. Suddenly her eyes fluttered open, and I thought she'd scowl at me, but instead, she smiled. A lopsided grin was better to describe it as she closed her eyes again.

"Morning." Gabriella greeted as she opened her eyes again. I smiled in response and watched as she sat up and covered her bare chest with the pillow. She squeezed it, and I noticed how her cheeks reddened.

"Are you blushing?" I asked to which she cleared her throat as her eyes widened.

"Yes, Adam if you vaguely remember what happened last night."

"I'll never forget it."

Gabriella looked down and away at the gusting curtains. I heard her sigh, and when she turned back to me, her expression changed. Her hazel eyes gazed into mine as she slowly drew her lip between her teeth.

"Me too but it'll never work out." She mumbled the last part then pushed herself up and sat on the edge of the bed. I didn't say anything and returned my gaze to the ceiling. Neither of us spoke as I watched her gather her things and slipped on my white shirt again.

"Hopefully Claudette isn't awake." She spoke up, and I lowered my gaze to see her by the door. I pushed myself out of bed then put on my boxers. We watched each other, and I knew she wanted to say something, but instead, she let out a deep sigh. "I'll see you later, thanks."

As soon as I heard the door the shut I banged my fists against the wall in frustration. I heard a man groan next door and complain in Spanish as he knocked repeatedly. I yelled at him to shut up, and after a few more words he remained silent.

I didn't know what the plans for the day were and as I looked around the room, I saw Gabriella's sunglasses on the bedside table. She must've forgotten it here the first time she came. I walked toward it to return it to her but froze when I heard a knock on my door. That must've been her, and she realized she left it here. On my way to the front door, I put on a t-shirt and ran a hand through my hair. I hadn't even brushed my teeth or washed my face.

I opened the door, and my eyes widened when I realized it wasn't Gabriella Smith. It was Julianna Castillo but she wasn't alone, she had two locals behind her, and I recognized the one from the bar yesterday.

"Hello, Adam." She greeted and kept steady eye contact as if she waited for me to call her by her name.

"Hello, Viola." I still hadn't gotten used to the name, and it felt weirder to say it to her face because I knew that wasn't her name. I tore away from her gaze and looked up at the two unfriendly men. "What are you doing here?"

"Just wanted to pay a visit." She said and looked over my shoulder and into my room. "I'm not disturbing...am I?"

"No, but I'm not in the mood for any visitors, especially when they come uninvited," I emphasized with my arms crossed. The guy from yesterday let out a huff and stepped forward, but Viola raised her hand.

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