Day Three (Part Two)

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"What do you guys want for lunch?" Zayn asks, making his way into the living room to check on the kids. Leo and Caleb are playing with a toy kitchen in the corner, and Aurora lays with her head in Hazel's lap as Hazel lazily braids her hair.

"Pizza!" Leo chirps, waving a plastic slice of pizza in the air.

"How does that sound to the rest of you?" Zayn questions.

"I like pizza," Aurora shrugs, sounding sleepy. Zayn can't help but smile; having her hair played with has always made Aurora drowsy.

"Me, too," Hazel nods. Caleb nods, too, albeit more shyly.

"Alright, pizza it is," Zayn smiles. He glances out the window while on the phone to see flakes starting to rain down, coming down faster by the second. "I hope the pizza guy doesn't have any trouble getting here. It's really coming down out there."

Niall inches past him to peer out the window. "Oh, wow, it really is."

"We should probably head out soon after the pizza gets here if it's still snowing. I don't wanna get trapped," Zayn answers.

Niall is annoyed that the thought of Zayn leaving makes him feel upset. "That's probably a safe call." 

Zayn hesitates. "I..."

Niall's entire sternum goes soft. "What is it?"

"I don't want to leave you," Zayn murmurs, sheepish. "Isn't that strange? I...I've only known you a few days and I already feel..."

"I know," Niall mumbles back now, just as sheepish. "I feel it, too."

Zayn's smile is a lot less shy now. "Well, at least I'm not alone in feeling that."

"Nope. Not at all." Niall looks down to play with his fingers, oddly shy now. 

"Hey. Don't be shy," Zayn laughs lightly. He runs his thumb over Niall's cheek, feeling the sweet boy's cheek heat up under his hand. "I feel the same way as you, darling."

Niall's heart is beating more and more quickly. "Um, do any of you kids want a snack?"

Zayn just laughs lightly but backs off, able to interpret that Niall is a bit overwhelmed by the closeness.

"Cookie!" Caleb chirps, leading the way into the kitchen. Leo, Aurora, and Hazel follow after him, Leo squealing delightedly when Hazel lifts him onto her back. Niall opens the cookie jar for them once they all make their way in, and the kids all make big deals of choosing their cookie. Zayn has just chosen one of his own when the doorbell rings.

"Pizza!" Hazel cheers, and all the kids hop up and run to the door.

"Hang on, kids, let me answer the door," Zayn laughs, squeezing through the horde of kids. He pays for the pizza before Niall can stop him, and he grins amusedly at Niall's pout.

"Daddy! I want a slice of cheese, please," Leo says, sitting at the table.

"Me, too!" Caleb hums, sitting on his knees so he can reach better.

It takes them a couple of minutes, but Zayn and Niall manage to get all the kids the pizza they want, and they sit on the floor and argue over a board game.

"I vote we play Monopoly," Zayn states.

"Oh, come on, Zayn. Monopoly is the worst!" Niall whines. "What about, like, Life?"

"We should play Apples to Apples," Hazel suggests. The three younger kids shrug, and they decide to play as a team. They start to play, and Caleb gets bored quickly. He hops up and runs to the window, pressing his tiny hands against the window.

"Snowing more," he announces, turning back around to smile at his father. "Daddy, lookie!"

"Time out," Niall says, dropping his cards facedown on the table to look out the window. "Zayn...your car is completely covered."

"Seriously?" Zayn gets up, too, and before long, the entire household is peering out the window. Niall's statement is true; the only indication that Zayn's car even exists is the giant, snow-covered lump in the yard. " much for leaving. I hope it's okay if we crash here?"

"Of course," Niall smiles, annoyed with himself for being pleased. "I wouldn't kick you out in this kind of snowstorm. I don't think you'd even make it down the street."

"I appreciate that," Zayn grins. The one smile, the emotion in it, sends butterflies up Niall's stomach and into his chest.

"Daddy, can we play in the snow?" Leo questions, beaming ear-to-ear, bouncing up and down in delight.

"You don't have any of your snow stuff here, kiddo. How about we watch a movie instead, huh?" Zayn suggests. Leo pouts. "You can choose the movie. I know you've been watching them all day, but --"

"INCREDIBLES!" Leo shouts, running into the living room. 

"Good lord. High energy kid," Zayn mutters, shaking his head. "You into The Incredibles?"

"I am if you are," Niall smiles back shyly, and all the kids get comfy on the couch. The only spot left open for Niall is right next to Zayn, nearly right in his lap, and Niall has no choice but to sit there. He sits tensely for a minute, unsure if Zayn is okay with this, but Zayn just puts his arm around his shoulders and holds him closer. Niall untenses completely, and Niall leans his head on his shoulder. They both sit there, smiling to themselves, far too comfortable in each other's arms.

Baby, It's Cold Outside | Ziall Christmas AUWhere stories live. Discover now