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             Augustus was ecstatic. After so much time he had finally found the answers he'd been looking for. He couldn't wait to tell Magnus, he knew that Magnus had waited a long time for this.

  He asked the guard on duty to inform Magnus of his presence. Five minutes later,the guard returned.
     "I'm sorry,but the master demands that he be left alone".   
      " what do you mean? Did you tell him that I Augustus wants to see him?"
       "Yes". The guard had answers with finality.

Augustus nodded at the guard as he turned and left the room. On his way home he thought of the agreement he had with Magnus. Would Magnus really turn him away? What was the reason behind it?

Too drawn into his soliloquising, he found his feet leading him to a brothel. He took one look at the place, seeing the broken down building and its occupants made him feel nauseous. He had never been in a brothel before and visiting one, is certainly not what he wanted right now.

    He turned his tired feet, back towards the direction he had come from. He had moved several feet from the place, when a beautiful voice called out. Augustus wasn't one you could easily charm, but the voice kept on ringing in his ears.

     Turning around,he saw a very beautiful girl, she was standing at the front of the building and was engaged in a heated conversation with an older man, who looked drunk and ready to collapse.

     Augustus thought of ignoring the scene before him, and just go home. But on a second thought, what was he going home to?
His wife had not returned since the day she ran away. His daughter had not yet been found. He was a lonely man.

     Moving over,he saw that the girl was really angry and the man in question was sleeping while standing. Augustus approached the girl with care and chose his words carefully.
   "What seem to be the problem lady?".
The girl eyed him. " Who are you? And what is your business here?"
   "I'm just a passerby. The man you're talking to is obviously asleep, why don't t you let him go".
   " Are you willing to pay me what he owes me?"
    "What?" Augustus asked perplexed.
    "You heard me the first time,now if you don't mind, excuse me". The girl turned and left, haughtily.

Oblivious to his surrounding, Augustus went after her, as he entered the parlor, he noticed the place was filled with men. He looked around for the woman who he'd earlier talked to,but he couldn't find her.

  He wanted to sit and wait for her to return. Perhaps she was the bar woman, and she had gone to the back to take a leak. But his tired limbs were saying a different story. Making up his mind to leave,he pushed open the door, and the last thing he saw was the mouth of a gun pointed at him.

Augustus died before his body  had hit the ground. He bled all he had, on the brothel floor...

When Magnus heard the news,he looked up at the night sky and said.
     " You my friend was a good man. I'm not    sorry I ended your life, I couldn't let you end mine first.
Do not worry about your daughter, she'll always remember you as a lying, cheating, thief. At least that what I'd tell her you were.
Now rest on friend".

Thanks for reading!

Remember, never trust a man with a scar on his face. :)
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