A Necessary Evil

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Evil comes in many shapes and forms. The twisted dangerous minds to the ones too innocent to trust. I found myself in a position today, where I was in the hands of evil. Necessary Evil.

Eight this morning, I was there.

My mind raced as I waited.

What sweet faced child would grow up to do this type of thing?

Do these people find pleasure in other's pain?

I sat and I wondered as the time kept ticking by. Each second seeming to be longer than the last. What did I ever do? How horrible must I have  been?

This is what it must feel like to be on death row, I thought repeatedly.

This waiting, knowing what is to come. That the time is so near that you could taste it.

I meet the other smiling faces with glares. What the Hell was wrong with them? Do they not know where they are?

The waiting started to get to me.

The stale smell of clean was thick in the air. Other might have been fooled, but I knew what that smell meant. I knew what it was! It was there to mask the horror they had done and were about to do to me.

The white walls seemed to close around me and trap me in. They tried to blur and confuse me while the hum of the lights above attempted to calm and keep my mind at peace.

But I wouldn't fall for their trickery.

I know what would happen if I did.




They echoed so loudly, they were silent. Before I could go completely mad, words were spoken that made me alert. Words so common to me, but sounds foreign coming from the mouth of Evil.

My name.

It was my time. The waiting was over, but the true suffering was only beginning.

I rose without my name having to be called a second time. I took each step forward only wanting more to turn and run with every one.

My mind was already broken and my body was out of control. It shivered violently like a sapling during it's first tropical storm.

As I sat the helpless and at the will of this Evil, I knew I would be back again.

There is no true way to describe my feelings, but I know with all my heart,

I fucking hate the Dentist!


Yes! Yes!

This whole thing was really about the trip to the dentist I had today. I really do hate the dentist and think I might have some phobia towards dentist. I really think I do because from the time they called my name until I was about half way home I couldn't stop shaking. I even act like that when I know all they're gonna do is brush my teeth. Today I had a cavity filled, but I have to go back and get my wisdom teeth pulled.

I know nobody likes going to the dentist. If you do, I really think you're weird. Why would you want anybodies hands you just met in your mouth?

Also I hate needles. I'm not afraid of them, I can handle stick pins and stuff just fine. I just don't like being stabbed with them. And I got stabbed in the mouth 10 times today. They do this thing where the needle is in your flesh and they'll take your lip or cheek and shake it, making the needle move around. My nose and whole upper mouth was numb.

But I suffered like that mentally for only about 15 minutes of dental work.

As much as I hate the dentist and the crazy people who want to be them, Dentist are a necessary evil. People need someone to take care of your teeth when what your doing isn't good enough or its not possible for you to take care of.

But I really Really do fucking hate the dentist!

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