|| Chapter Nineteen - Tense ||

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It has been exactly three days since Isaac's goons attacked the house. I haven't been allowed to leave, and honestly, I didn't want to. I was made to feel more than welcome and their promise of safety was definitely their bond.

Devon made steady improvement. Still, he often overextended himself and ended up wheezing on the floor but aside from the startlingly obvious breathing disadvantage, he was improving. We haven't talked much since the last time we were together- which was when I was sort of cradling his head in my lap.

Harrison and Parker burst through the door not long after, they each had their fair share of cuts and bruises but it was heartwarming to see their main concern revolving around Devon. I presumed the concern was returned.

I was rushed from the room and virtually thrown into a temporary dorm that had been partially readied. It was plain and simple but it provided enough. Aside from Jodi, Joe, Parker, Meghan, Ace and Harrison; I didn't know anyone. I guess I knew enough to live somewhat comfortably, but there were strangers everywhere I turned.

   "Lost your head again?" Jodi spluttered, a mouthful of bacon and eggs waved at me from her gob.

   "I guess." I mumbled, toying with my food. I had noticed the absence of one particular person; Kat.

   I hadn't bought it up, hadn't realised. I didn't initially assume that all my friends are involved in a gang, and Kat was too loving to be a part of one. Then again, Jodi is.

   "Hey jo-" I was cut off as a seething Devon marched into the room. Harrison followed close behind, both of them were covered in sweat, both shirtless. I quickly threw some bacon in my mouth and tried to distract myself, not focusing on their excellent display of muscles.

   Jodi- casually watching the debacle unfold- seemed unbothered. Sure, she's probably seen it all before, but I admired her reserve.

   "Listen Devon, you don't want to end up hurting yourself more!" Harrison warned, pointing a flattened hand in Devon's direction. The gesture wasn't respected.

   Devon growled, "I know what's good for me, don't fucking try to dictate what I do and do not do!" He sounded like a child who was told they couldn't swim in the big kids pool. It was amusing.

   "I'm not dictating you. I'm warning you! It's for your own good asshole!" Harrison was slowly losing his temper. It was obvious, even Jodi was preparing to jump in.

   "Don't fucking try me Harrison." Devon balled his hands into fists and slowly arched his elbow, "You know who will end up worse off." He threatened.

   Jodi launched herself onto her feet and began pushing at a sweat-slicked Harrison, "Come on babe, let's go and get you showered. You're all sticky." She forced out a false laugh before desperately trying to pull Harrison from the room.

   "Don't get involved little shi-" Devon targeted Jodi. Harrison leapt forward, pointing his finger accusingly at Devon.

   "Don't you fucking dare!" He bellowed, Jodi cringed at the sound and continued to push at Harrison, he didn't give in, "You try to insult Jodi and you will pay, you'll fucking pay!" He wrapped his arms around Jodi and stormed from the room. Leaving me and Devon in an unsettled silence.

   I glimpsed the fresh wound on his side, he's opened it again. He had been warned that it will leave an ugly scar if he doesn't treat it right, he didn't listen.

   I rolled my eyes and continued to eat my breakfast, "What are you rolling your eyes at?" Devon hissed, throwing himself down in the seat opposite, the seat Jodi was possessing before the incident.

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