Legitimately: iNotorious

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Ezra grabbed his bag and smiled. "I'm gonna be late, babes."

"What? Again?" His whiny girlfriend asked, heard across the entire lobby. The hotel bellhop looked at me and rolled his eyes, but followed it up with a smile. I mouthed back, "I know," and pretended like I wasn't watching the scene in front of me.

A quick slapping noise made me tear my eyes from the snow falling outside the window and dart over to wherever the sound originated. While I was zoning out, the girl had slapped Ezra, and was crying. Tears streamed down her cheeks and she ran out the hotel doors, pretending to not see the rest of the hotel staff looking at her.

Ezra's eyebrows knit together and he looked really confused, like the rest of us.

"Hey, are you alright?" The bellhop, Rennie, asked. His wife seemed to always walk in and do the exact same, and he knew the most about it out of all of us.

A curt nod came from Ezra, and he rubbed his cheek tenderly. A thin red outline of his girlfriend's hand was etched in his skin, and it was probably raised. I left the counter, and turned towards the break room, where we were each allotted half an hour for lunch, and half an hour for break each day. There was a small sink by the employee bathroom, and a towel rack for the hand towels. I grabbed one of the towels and ran it under cold water, but when I walked back out to give it to Ezra, he had left already.

"Ren, where'd he go?" I asked, obviously crestfallen.

"School, probably. Which is where you should be, (name)," he answered, giving me a stern look before continuing to mop the lobby's floor.

"I already told you, Ren. School isn't for me! I don't get the concepts, or the lessons, and—"

It didn't take long before he cut me off. "I get it, I get it. You want nothing more than to stay here and work here, behind the counter for the rest of your life, right?" He asked, giving the marble countertop a gentle slap before turning back towards the mopping bucket.

"Well, no, of course not. That would be... Ridiculous."

"Right. So go out there! Get an education! Lord knows that the rest of us wish we had."

A smile came from Lana, the other worker at the counter. She had a sharp nose and deep set eyes with long lashes. She was quiet unless someone riled her up, almost the exact opposite of Rennie.

Rennie was a tall, stout man, who had a bushy beard and salt and pepper hair. He had a small bald spot on the back of his head, but he said it was from all the intelligence just bursting out of his pores.

Rennie and Lana were like my parents, and they had been since I was little. The hotel was important to my parents, who had both left me behind to pursue a higher education, in a different country. However, they forgot to tell me, or anyone else, and completely left me behind. So Lana had offered to help get me a job, and had practically preached to the manager to get on his good side.

Finally, now, I had this job. And I loved it, even with its stuffy aprons and tight heels. Rennie was a loving father, quite literally, who sometimes brought in his little girl, Cassie. She was only six, but whenever she came around, the entire hotel seemed to melt and bend to her will. Sweets poured in from the kitchen, and the butterscotch container on the front counter was almost always empty. Cassie had all of us wrapped around her finger.

There was something else that kept me tied to this hotel, of course. And that something was Ezra. He had been my friend since kindergarten, and when he had entered college last year, he had run to my room and banged on the door. When I answered, he yelled and hugged me tightly. His YouTube channel had finally met his standards, and he decided to start posting videos without erasing them.

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