Chapter 6: Pining

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The next day, Lance met up with his friends once again. Now that he had hung out with actually nice people, he realized how jerky his friends are, and how jerky he was. He decided not to hang out with them anymore.

"Yo, Lance!" Called Lotor, The biggest jerk and homophobe in Lance's old friend group. Lance ignored him, continuing to walk over to where Keith was sat.

"Hey, Lance, you deaf or something?" Lotor or walked over, grabbing Lance's shoulder. Lance shrugged it off, looking at Lotor with disgust. "Your a jerk, you know that? You and all your friends." Lotor looked at him, confused. "But, your my friend?"

"Not anymore, I found some good friends." Lance said, turning and walking away. Lotor stood, stunned, before turning and going back to the popular group.

Lance approached Keith, sitting next to him and looking at what he was doing. "Hey Keithy! Whatcha doin?" Keith slammed the book shut, hiding it under his arms. "Nothing Lance!" Lance cocked an eyebrow, silently asking to see whatever Keith had been doing.

Kith groaned, lifting his arms to reveal a plain, black sketchbook. Lance's eyes lit up, taking the book gently in his hands. "Can i..?" he asked, lifting the cover up slightly. at Keith's nod, he opened the sketchbook to a page mainly consisting of hands, then ears, then eyes and many other study and random doodle pages. then, there was a mainly empty page, with one detailed, inked, colored drawing of who Lance recognized as Keith's big brother. Then one of Pidge, Hunk, and someone who looked like Pidge, but much older.

"That's Matt, Pidge's older Brother." Keith explained, Watching Lance's reactions. Lance kept flipping, most of the pages filled with doodles or studies, but there was the random portrait. then, Lance found a half-finished portrait of what looked like him. "Aww, is Keithy-boy drawing me?" he teased. Keith rolled his eyes. "Seriosly, though, you are an amazing artist."

Keith smiled a little, taking his sketchbook back and closing it, slipping it into his bag. "I've been doing it a long time." he said, blushing slightly. The bell rung, signaling the school doors were open. "See you after school?" asked Lance, standing up. "Yea, definitely." Responded Keith, standing up as well. they both headed inside, going opposite ways.  



how do i write a story? i need helllppp... 

thank you for being so patient. i always get caught up reading, and not writing. i'm really sorry.

Please go read my oneshot book, i will keep doing these shameless self plugs.

also, THANK YOU FOR 1.7K READS!!! LIKE, WHAT?!?!?! I DON'T UNDERSTAND!?!?!?!?!?!

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