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//Sage POV//

*bing* *bing* *bing*
You where woken up by your phone notification sounds going off. You rolled over to check your phone.

Hey its Jimin.Would you like to get coffee or hang out?

Sage: Sure where are you?

Chimchim: I'm at Bobba Tea Tear. Want me to order for you?

Sage: Sure. Ill have an iced Americano.

Chimchim: ok see you soon.

You decided to wear makeup since you where going to be seen today.
You grabbed your black mask, not because you where sick just because you thought it looked cool.

You get to the Cafe and see Jimin sitting in the corner of the room at a small table. He was very handsome. He too was also wearing a black mask.

//Jimin POV//

I seen Sage walking towards me. I waved to her and she waved back. She was looking so cute to be honest.
She was wearing makeup but not too much which I didn't think she needed but its her choice so whatever makeup is art so that's fine.

"Hey sage, how are you?" I said smiling at her.
"I could be better since you literally woke me up at 8:00 in the morning when I usually wake up at 11" she said with a playful grin.
"Oh well sorry I didn't want to get coffee by myself". "Why didn't you get your group mates to go with you?" she asked. "Because their busy with schedules".

We talked for like 20 minutes until I got a text from my manager saying we had to record a dance practice video.

We said our goodbyes and left. We talked about the most random things. I learned her favorite color is yellow. She lives alone. She loves the music me and BTS makes. And she can open a whole package of ramen in under .3 seconds. Now if that isn't talent i don't know what is to be honest.

I got to the practice room and met up with the guys. J-Hope asked where I was all morning but I just told him I was walking around Seoul and getting coffee. Our contract states we can't have girlfriends, and I know she's not my girlfriend I mean we did just meet, but guys and girls who hang out are assumed to be dating or to have a strong relationship and I don't wish that stress on her.

We practiced dancing to Spring day, Boy in luv, and Go Go. I was dancing fine I didn't mess up or anything its just everyone else looked more in sync than I was so I'm going to focus on being in sync with the music more tonight.

We all went to our dorm and when 11pm came I started to head out the door. Taehyung came out of his room and asked me if I was going to the practice room and if he could join because he wanted his dancing to be perfect. Even though it was he didn't feel satisfied with how a dance move felt so he wanted me to help in the practise room. I told him yeah I could help and we started walking to the practice room down the street.

//Sage POV//

I got to the room before Jimin so I played my music on the speakers and started dancing to Peek-a-boo by Red velvet.My eyes where closed while I was dancing so I didn't even notice the door swing open by Jimin.

"Yah, Sage!" Jimin yelled over the speakers. I looked at him startled. "Oh hey Chimchim" and then another body walked into the room ... "Yah Jimin, go get changed into your dancing clothes hyung" he notices me and bows "Ah sorry I think we have the wrong room". This guy was also handsome. Why is everyone in Korea handsome? I thought to myself.

"Tae this is Sage, Sage this is Tae or Taehyung or V, he wanted some help dancing... I hope its okay with you if he dances with me here" Jimin said while looking at me. Taehyung didn't know what to do so he was just trying to avoid eye contact , I think he's a little shy but that's cute.

"Oh I don't mind you could bring a whole population of guys and I wouldn't mind" I shrugged. They both started to laugh and Jimin went to change into his clothes.

"So why do you and Jimin share the room?" Tae said stretching on the floor in front of me stretching with me. "Well he suggested we share just in case someone else wants the other room to themselves" I said while cracking my back. "Oh cool... So how long have you known each other?" he asked another question which I didn't mind if my friend was hanging out with a random guy I would ask a lot of questions too. "We met yesterday night when I needed a room to practise in but this was the only unlocked room but he was already here so we shared the room".

Jimin came back and set up his music. I didn't feel like dancing anymore because I was kind of tired so I just sat on the floor in front of the mirror and started going on social media.

After being on Instagram for like 20 minutes I finally look at the two boys and their sweating and out of breath but they look so passionate when they dance like this is what they love to do more than anything.

Jimin sits on the floor next to me and Taehyung next to him. We where all looking in the mirror in front of ourself. They where trying to Catch their breath.

"You guys done dancing for today?" I said looking at Taehyung in the mirror. "Yeah we better get going soon or our friends will worry about us" Jimin said while scrolling on his phone.

"Sage, you have instagram or twitter or Snapchat?" Jimin asked me.
"Yeah ill follow myself on your account for you" I said reaching for his phone and typing in my username. My username is the same for all social media because why wouldn't it be?

I handed him back his phone and followed him on all three social medias. Taehyung wanted me to follow him too because I looked "Edgy" and I had a good style? So I followed him a and he followed me back. I told them I had to go home because see it was really late so we said goodbyes and headed home.

A/N: Damnnnnn this was longer than expected again like I thought 500 words would be good but this is literally 1092 words yikes 😂

Tell someone their beautiful today because they deserve it. And people become better people when receiving compliments as a wise Jimin told Jungkook when Jungkook wanted him to say Thank You for a mission😂



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