Chapter 20: White

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Tyler felt sick.
The sound replayed in his mind over and over.
Why had Herobrine felt the need to lead Matt into a false sense of security? Was executing him just not enough?
This place truly was full of despair. Tyler wanted out of it.
He sat up in his bed and sighed shakily, trying to calm himself. Soon, he was going to either be killed by someone or lose his mind and kill. And he knew he'd get caught. Tyler wasn't special. 'Actor' meant nothing. So what, he could impersonate an old woman. Not like he could sing hits like Adam, or build amazing structures like Bodil.
Adam and Bodil. Both people who were dead now.
Dead, like everyone else would be.
Dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead-
Tyler nearly fell off his bed in surprise. He whipped around.
A glowing white figure stood by his nightstand.
"Tyler, your hope."
The figure said these words softly, then seemed to glitch away into thin air, as if it were a hologram fading out.
Tyler stared at the spot where the figure had been a second ago, his heart pounding.
"What...was that?" He whispered quietly to himself.
The figure hadn't been that easy to recognize. It looked like a ghost. Tyler had been able to identify it as a person, but not who. They seemed strangely familiar, though...
'Tyler, your hope?' Had that...thing been reminding him not to fall to despair...?
Tyler felt something new flourish through him. Was this his hope?
He got out of bed, his feet planting firmly on the ground. Today Tyler wasn't going to sit around and mope. Tyler was going to solve the mystery.
The mystery of the fourth floor.
The mystery of the mastermind.
The mystery of this mansion.
Tyler marched out of his room, down to the Enchanting Room. He didn't bother to go for breakfast. Potatoes could wait (for once).
Being sure to stay clear of the enchantment table as not to awaken AlterSorcerer, Tyler faced the bookshelf on the left wall, the wall Jordan had been found dead in front of.
Tyler remembered what Matt had told them.
Matt sighed. "The fourth floor is only accessible through the Enchanting Room. AlterSorcerer won't tell you anything, but just pull some books out of the shelves. One is a lever that slides the bookshelf back to reveal the passage up."
Tyler just had to pull out books until one revealed some kind of passageway, then.
Tyler decided to start with a pale blue book near his hand.
Tyler blinked in surprise as the entire bookshelf moved back and slid to the left, revealing a small passageway with stairs spiraling up.
"First try," Tyler muttered to himself. Looking back at the quiet Enchanting Room, he turned and walked up the stairs.
After a few spirals, he finally made it to the top, slightly out of breath.
He walked in, and got a good look at the fourth floor.
It was just as Matt had described- there was a large, widely spaced room with many tables, each complete with a brewing station, a cauldron, some bottles, etc.
The walls were a plain pale blue, same color as the book Tyler had pulled, and the floor was shiny and white, probably quartz or something. There were no windows on this floor, which was strange considering how there were usually windows in the mansion (they were blockaded with iron blocks, but they were still there).
A doorway was in the back of the room, and Tyler headed towards it, getting a good look at the room and its stations as he walked past.
He turned the corner and-
Tyler yelped and leapt back in shock as Jerome jumped out. Quentin and Jason walked out from behind him.
"Haha, gotcha," Jerome laughed.
"What are you guys doing here?!" Tyler asked, shaken from being jumpscared the second time that day.
"We came up here to investigate the fourth floor," Jason explained.
"And I'd like to ask you the same question," Quentin said sternly, being the usual, suspicious Quentin.
"I came up here to explore, too," Tyler admitted.
"By yourself?" Jason asked.
"Well...I was, uh, motivated with...hope today," Tyler explained.
"NOPE," Jerome interrupted, holding up both paws.
"Motivated to..." Quentin started.
"What? No, I didn't want to kill anyone!" Tyler explained hurriedly to Quentin. "You see...I woke up this morning, and something told me to not lose hope."
The three of them stared at Tyler.
"I think Ty's got to him," Jason said quietly.
Tyler sighed. "No-it was like, a spirit thing. It reminded me about hope, then disappeared. I saw it once before, too, when I was unconscious from being hit on the head by Suiko," Tyler told them.
"Some...spirit?" Jerome asked confusedly.
Tyler nodded. "Then suddenly, I felt like I could do anything. So I came here. I know it sounds weird...but that's actually what happened. This whole place is weird."
Quentin's eyes widened. "Hah! Weird? You don't even know. Come look at this."
Him, Jason and Jerome turned around and headed the other way, down the hall. Tyler followed curiously.
There were only two or three doors down the hallway, each labeled 'SUPPLY CLOSET 1-3', but there was a door at the end of the hallway that was unmarked.
"What's this room?" Tyler asked curiously.
"Why don't you see for yourself?" Quentin said, and stepped aside.
Tyler frowned and reluctantly opened the door.
Tyler blankly said the word out loud as he shared at the sheep in front of him.
The small room was empty except for a fenced pen with a grass floor. In it was a single white sheep.
"This is literally the whole room," Jason said. "Just a sheep."
"Why...?" Tyler asked.
"We have no idea," Jerome admitted.
"Baaa," the sheep bleated.
"This thing obviously has a purpose," Quentin said thoughtfully with a frown.
"You sure about that?" Tyler asked. Tyler was almost certain that this sheep was not the mastermind.
The sheep lowered its head and munched on some grass.
"At least it seems healthy," Jason said.
"This mansion just keeps getting creepier and creepier," Jerome sighed.
"How is a sheep creepy?" Tyler asked.
"There's a freaking sheep here for no reason, that's why," Jerome muttered.
"Well, we should probably head back," Jason said. "Everyone must be up by now and waiting for us."
The four nodded in agreement, and headed back down to the first floor. First the white figure, then the sheep. What was happening?

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