Chapter 5-No one can make Food

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Chapter 5-No one can make Food.

"Sweetheart you got to stop running from us."Logan teased touching my chin to lift my head up.My breath got hitched in my throat and someone snarled.Out of the corner of my eye Tina was pissed with her arms crossed.He smirked and dropped my chin.

"Girls these days."He chuckled,he wore khaki shorts with a black muscle shirt,he was probably the one out of the three with a olive colour to his skin.He found a cowboy hat out of somewhere and placed it on his head.

"Let's go,little lady."He said to Tina in an old western voice.She giggled and they went off together.Then it was me,Christopher,Melinda,Luke and Ava.

"Phone."Luke said holding out his hand.

"What?No!It's mine."

"Everything that is on you is mine.That includes,these arms,these very nice long legs and that pretty little face.And..."He said lightly touching my bare legs as I frowned at him.I saw Ava's eyes turn a bright furious red.

"This phone."He said snatching my phone from my hands.I put a passcode on it.

"Who are you texting?"

"No one."I answered.Suddenly my phone vibrated.

"Your little friends?"He scrolled across the bar and he frowned at the screen.

"What's the password?"He asked.A mischevious grin spread across my face.There was no way I was going to tell him my password.

"Paisley.What is the password?"He asked.I heard Melinda and Christopher leave the room.So it was just me,him,his bare gorgeous chest and my thin fabric clothes.He leaned into me as I sat on the chiar my eyes nearly popping out of my head.All this time Ava was still in the room.

"Paisley this is the last time I will ask,I know that you are a good girl,you don't swear or disobey people's orders."He said.That was true...and he was a vampire so he could kill me in any second.

"twenty-four twenty-four."I said looking into his piercing blue eyes.He smiled and did the passcode.

"If I catch you with the phone again.I will break it."He said tucking it away in a safe that was in the kitchen.Ava looked like smoke was going to blow out of her ears.Her eyes were a bright red and her fangs were out over her bottom lip.

"Now...what do you eat?"He asked.

"Excuse me?"

"What do you eat?"He asked again.


"Vampires don't eat food dumbass."Ava said.I flinched at her words yet again.

"I'm not hungry."I said.Even though it felt as if my stomach was eating itself and I felt as if I would collapse any second.My stomach growled in protest.

"If I am mistaking that sounds like your hungry."

" I'm not."I said with a bit more venom.

"Let her work then."Ava snarled.I stood up and watched the floor and shapes dance infront of me.before I collapsed onto the ground.


When I woke up I felt weaker then ever.I was laying o a comfy bed which was easing my aching self.I groaned as I moved around.My head was pounding.

"Easy."Someone said.I opened my eyes and Luke loomed over me.I rubbed my tired eyes.

"W-What are you doing?"I asked confused.

"You passed out.Doctor said it was because lack of food,lack of sugars and protein.Which is what humans need."He explained.

"Fun."I said breathlessly rolling over.

"Ah sit up.I read up on it and got everything that has suagrs and protein."Suddenly a cart wheeled in with chicken,peanut butter,crackers,juice,pop,water and chips.

"What are you doing?"i asked.

"Eat."He ordered setting the cart next to me.My stomach growled hungrily and I dug in.I finished everything and my headache vanished.

"Better?"He asked.I nodded and sat up on the bed.

"Uhm....thank you."I said nicely....for once.I got up to go do work because I wasn't in the mood to really argue with anyone.

"Where are you going?"He asked as my hand touched the door knob.

"I am going to work."I said.

"No your not.You just passed out in front of me."He said getting up taking my hand away from the door.

"B-But..."I protested.

"Go lay down.There is nothing for you to do anyways.I'm not going to order you around like we do with Tina,Melinda and Ava."

"T-Then what do I do?"I asked.

"Your going to come on dates with me because I haven't had a normal conversation with a girl in lord knows how long."

"R-Really?"I stuttered.

"Yes.So go get ready."He said opening the door.I felt my cheeks blush hard and I finally looked around.This was the room he was promising me.

I smiled to myself quietly.

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