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Dt: @TemperanceBooth1 (is that it?) and everyone who votes on the chapters, you guys rock ❤️

Third person pov

Group chat: if you don't read this, you're poop! [kdanvers, megamaggie, alexdanvrs, winnietheitguy, tinmanolsen, lenaluthor]

alexdanvrs: Wasup

megamaggie: Waddup i'm jared, i'm 19 and i never fucking learned how to read ✌🏼

winnietheitguy: why am i here?

winnietheitguy: why are we ALL here?

tinmanolsen: no idea dude

alexdanvrs: the four of us and kara are singing a song to lena :P

tinmanolsen: when did we agree?

megamaggie: now, because my wifey can break the living shit outta y'all

winnietheitguy: I'm not risking my ass so ok

tinmanolsen: me too :)

kdanvers: when did I agree?

alexdanvrs: now as well bc you love me ❤️

winnietheitguy: well, what's the song?

megamaggie: oh you'll see ;)

alexdanvrs: You're insecure

alexdanvrs: Don't know what for

megamaggie: You're turning heads when you walk trough the door!

alexdanvrs: WINN!

winnietheitguy: Don't need make-up, to cover up; being the way that you are is enough

tinmanolsen: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you...

megamaggie: KARA!!!!

kdanvers: Baby you light up my world like nobody else

kdanvers: The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed

kdanvers: But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell

kdanvers: You don't know, oh oh

kdanvers: You don't know you're beautiful!

megamaggie: go kara! go kara!

winnietheitguy: *cheers loudly*

alexdanvrs: *cheers in gay*

tinmanolsen: WOOOOOO

kdanvers: If only you saw what I can see...

kdanvers: You'll understand why I wan't you so desperately...

kdanvers: Right know I'm looking at you and I can't believe

megamaggie: You don't know, oh oh

winnietheitguy: You don't know you're beautiful, oh oh

kdanvers: And that's what makes you beautiful...

lenaluthor: :)

lenaluthor: Kara... I'd like to talk to you, privately

megamaggie: Holy shit bye

A/N: Cliffhanger my deeds ;)

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