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      Janice fixed her red scarf around her neck to keep herself warm and with a help from her hair that she let them flowed down over her shoulder. It's autumn by the time but the wind still a spine chiller.

      Janice wore the best cute outfit that she had in her closet just to make Eric impressed by her look.

      But.............30 minutes passed........1 hour passed....

      It's been 2 hours she had been waiting for Eric, but she has not see hide nor hair. Unfortunately, her phone also ran out of battery when she was about to call Carol. Janice wanted to go home but she's afraid that Eric will come and found her nowhere to be seen.

      Let's just wait for a moment, maybe he overslept. Janice tried to comfort herself.

      Janice blew her hands with her breath and looked around to see if Eric was around.

      "Ouch!" Suddenly a man bumped her back causing her to stumble to the front. Luckily this time she didn't kissed the ground.
      "Sorry,Miss!" The man with the camera just now quickly apologized and asked a cliche question. "Are you okay?"

      "Obviously, yes. I'm fine." Janice was about to walk away when the man suddenly voice out.
"Wait. I think I remember you somewhere." Janice spun her body around to face the man.

      " Do i know you?" Janice asked in confused. She didn't remembered where she met this nerd man with his thick square spectacle.

      "You're the girl! Who refused my help. How's your leg? Feeling better?" the man said with questions.

      Janice still looked confused and puzzled. She did remembered the time when a man tried to help her from her sprinted ankle, but she was sure that it wasn't this man.
      But her thoughts went south when the man took of his spectacle.

      "It's me." he politely greeted her once again.
      "WOW! You looked completely different with that spectacle. I almost couldn't recognize you." Janice said feeling amazed at how a simple spectacle can change the whole visual of the man's face.

      He's quite handsome,tho.

      "I knew, but i'm more comfortable with my spec on." the man said putting back his spec. Then he stretch out his hand,
      "My name is Arthur. From Photography Art. We're in the same Uni, right?" Arthur said with the humblest smile ever. They shook hands before Janice introduced herself.
      "I'm Janice, Fashion Designer to-be." Janice replied .
      "Very determined." He said, amazed by Janice's confident.

       " You're taking pics, i guess." Janice said trying to start a conversation. She could tell that because he's holding a camera. Same brand as Carol.
      "Yeah. Mind to be my model once?" Arthur asked for permission.
      "Should i?" Janice asked again feeling shy.

      "Yes.... You're beautiful." Arthur said, but as for the praise, he said slowly, can't be heard clearly by Janice.
      "Well, then. Maybe just one pose." Janice said and get ready for a pic. Arthur quickly snapped them.

      It's just for a few pics and the result were magnificent. Arthur has the potential to be a great photographer. He also promised to give Janice the photo when it's done.

      "What are you doing here? You're alone?" Arthur started.
      "Well, I'm supposed to meet someone here. But he didn't arrived yet." Janice answered and tried to hide her disappointment.

      "Who you're waiting for?" Arthur asked to feed his curiosity.
      "Eric. You must know him,right? He's in the same course as yours." Janice answered with a smile, even though she's freezing.
      "You're waiting for Eric? But, i saw Eric at our uni's cafe just now. He's there for hours with a girl." Arthur explained his confusion.
      "What?" Are you sure that's Eric? How did you know?" Janice asked feeling unsatisfied.
      "You told me, i must know Eric. I..i.. stayed at the cafe for hours too...fo..for studying my pics." Arthur said a bit stuttering.

      With that, Janice went blank. There's only two things playing in her mind and heart right now. It's whether Eric forgot about today or............Carol lied to her.
       And Arthur said, Eric with a girl there..... for hours....who could it be?

     It's getting dark in the amusement park. The sun began to set and moon was about to take place in the middle of the sky.
     Looking at Janice so exhausted after waiting for nothing for hours, Arthur nervously offered a lift back to the Uni.

      You're surely a very patient girl, Janice. You waited there for hours?! Arthur mumbled to himself, reminiscing the reasons told by Janice about why she was there for hours.

      It's the first time he helped a girl this far. Usually, girls will avoid him after they met for the first time. Well, who wants a nerdy man like him.

     Sometimes, he felt comfortable with his life like that. He don't have to deal with women who just want his heart played or fooled like those in dramas.

      But there's one girl that he's been longing for. But, he knew that it is impossible for her to fall in love with him.

      "Thank you for sending me back to Uni." Janice said while taking off the seat belt.
      " No need to thank me. I'm heading the same way too. Plus, we're officially friends,right?"Arthur said.

      Janice just smiled as a sign of her agree.
      'This guy must be so lonely'. Janice told herself. Arthur had chatted a bit about his Uni's life which books ,computers and cameras have been his best friends. He's the same age as Carol and of course older than her but he not found any close friend yet. What a pity guy!

      Janice climb off the car and waved Arthur the last goodbye. "Have a nice day."
      "You too." Arthur said back and gave her a smile of a friend.

     Soon, Arthur's car drove away. Deep inside of her, she's still thinking about what he had said at the amusement park. About Eric.

     Her legs were about to send her back to her dorm but his heart told him to go to the cafe mentioned. Janice got confused!!

     "Just grab a coffee and leave, shall i?" Janice solve  the argument within herself and make her way to the café.

       Hope I won't see you there, Carol.

       But her hope didn't came true. With the wall made from glass, Janice could see Carol and Eric chit-chatting happily from far.

       Her eyes couldn't believe it but her mind and her heart told her to admit it.

      Carol, you told me Eric want to meet me at the amusement park right after the sunrise. But, Arthur told me Eric was at the Uni all day ,instead and hang out at the cafe since in the evening with you?!

      Carol, i waited for nothing since the morning........why did you lied to me?

      Maybe i should ask both of them, instead. I can't jump into conclusions without knowing  the real truth.

If i put pictures/images in all part of my story, will it be more interesting for you to read?

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