"Your friends are weird." - Bodil40 (Martin)

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I glanced over at the clock.

11:40 PM, it read.

I stood in the kitchen, pouring myself some water from the Brita. 

After putting it away, I went into Martin's gaming room, pulling a bean bag over and sitting next to him, and kissed his cheek.

"Hey babe." he smiled, and looked down at me for a second. 

"Hi." I smiled back.

He went back to playing Gmod. The one with the dragon thing, Chimera I think it was called.

"_______'s there?!" I heard Double yell through Martin's head set.

Martin giggled. "Yeah, she's right next to me." he laughed. 

"HI _______!!!!!" Double yelled, causing Martin to take off his headset for a second, making the voices clearer to hear. 

"HI DOUBLE!!!!" I yelled back, Martin covering his ears. 

I heard laughter, then Ghost's voice. "THOSE ARE MY EARS!"

Everyone laughed at the madness going on. 

"HI GHOSTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZZZ!" I screeched, raising my voice SO many octaves on the "E"s.

"Alright, I'm sorry guys, but I think _______ and I are gonna go to bed." Martin said, putting his head set back on, opening back up Skype. 

Double pouted, and Ghost cheered, laughing when he was done. They all said their 'bye's' and Martin turned off his computer, taking the water from my hands and took a sip, smiling. 

We stood from our spots and he took my hand, leading me to the bed room. I set the glass on the bedside table and took off my pants and bra, like I always do and laid on the bed with him. He laid next to me and and took my hand, lacing our fingers together.

We looked at the ceiling, just lying there in silence. He turned his head and looked at me, so I did the same. We looked in each others eyes for a couple of minutes.

"I love you, _______." he whispered.

"I love you too, Martin." I smiled and he smiled back, he gave me a quick kiss and continued to look in my eyes. 

"You're so beautiful." he smiled.

I blushed, looking away. I felt his finger on my chin as he turned my face back. 

"You say that everyday." I said quietly. 

"And I'm going to continue saying it until you believe it. Even after you believe it, I'll contiue saying it, because you are." 

I kissed him with love and tenderness and soon felt him kiss back. Still holding his hand, I scooted closer to him, laying my head in his arm. 

I could hear his heart beat. A steady beat. 

Dum dum.

Dum dum.

Dum dum.

Before I knew it, I was woken up by a small kiss on the lips. I open my eyes to see my husband of 4 years hovering above me.

"Morning." he giggled.

I covered my eyes, flipping on my side, pulling the duvet over my face. "No!" I pouted.

Martin pulled the covers off of me and the sudden smell of bacon took over my nose.

I kissed him softly, getting out of bed and taking his hand, dragging him into the kitchen, seeing eggs, bacon and pancakes. 

I smiled, putting my hands on my cheeks to hide my blushing. Last time he did this was over 6 months ago.

I took a plate out of the dish tray in the sink and filled it with food.

"The guys wanted to know if you wanted to play with us." Martin chuckled. 

"I'd love too!" I smiled, shoveling food into my mouth.

"Alright, I'll go and tell them." he said, walking over to me, kissing my head and going back into his room. 

When I was finished, I walked in his room, wiping my mouth off, and going over to my computer in the other corner and turning it on. Martin was laughing in the other corner of the room, yelling things I couldn't understand. 

Sliding on my headset, I started up Steam and instantly got an invite from Martin. I smiled and joined, spawning in front of mayhem. 

"OH MY GAWD!" I screamed, as I took two steps and Chimera (Martin) ate me, and sent me flying. He laughed from the other corner of the room and I stood up, taking off my headset, and going over to him, hitting his shoulder, hard.

"Oh, fuck." he said, holding his arm, still laughing. 

I pouted and walked back to my chair, putting my headset back on.  I was spectating Double, and laughed when he was in front of Ghost, trapping him and they both panicked as Martin came around the corner. "Chimera" didn't hesitate and got them both, ending the round with screaming and laughter.

"Damn you Bodel!" Double laughed. 

The next game started up and I was the dragon. I smiled to myself as everyone asked "Who is the dragon?"

I rushed, running straight toward their spawn, taking out Martin and Ghost, leaving Double. He was in the pit in the middle.

"Heeeeyyy Doooouublleee." I said slowly, staying behind him.

"No!" he said.

"Can I have a hug?"


"But, you're my best friend.." I joked.


"Are you gonna say no to everything I say?"


I flew towards him and he squealed.

"Let me ask again, can I have a hug?"

"Alright." I heard him smile.


Double's little marshmallow person jumped up and hit the button on my back.

"NOOOO!!! FUUUUUUUUCK!!" I screamed.

Everyone laughed.

I glanced over at martin to see him looking at me. I blushed and walked over to him. He stood up and met me half way. 

We kissed, passionately and lovingly.

"I love you." I whispered. He pulled me close and hugged me.

"I love you too babe."



Sorry about any grammatical errors and such :3

Long time, no story.

I know, you can say it.

I'm a penis face. I know.

I procrastinate. So sorry. I love you all and thank you for all of the support on these imagines.

Here's your Bodil imagine, fucking finally.

The ending is a bit abrupt. Yeah, I know.

Welp, gotta go. Can't wait to see your guys' opinion on this :)

Bai recruits! *blows a kiss*


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