Meeting Alec, Sorta...

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hey guys its been a while. Enjoy, comment and vote. Lots of Love!

Last Time:

"You are much better than Bella with your power."

Thanks," I said my cheeks becimubg



Skip to the day that the snow sticks(Alec is in this chapter!!!!Sorta)

I wake up, yes I sleep, get changed into nothing fancy. Also known as an oversized sweatshirt and sweatpants because who will I be trying to impress? I look about sixteen and I know that I am not going to the Volturi ‘meeting’.

Bella says that its for my safety but I doubt that. I know that its because she doesn’t want her disgrace of a daughter there. I have been training with Paul ever day, and Zee and the others have been expanding my shield.

The witness protection program left around nine o’clock and I smirk. Does Bella and Edward really think that I will leave the people I care about in the hands of her incapable and unreliable shield?

I knew she was stupid but this was a new form of stupid. I quickly take off my sweats and jacket to reveal me changed into presentable clothes and headed into the familiar forest of Forks. I follow the stench of the wolves to find a clearing that Auntie Alice once told me that they play baseball during storms.

I scale a tree and I can hear that the had already started to converse.

“May I see her?” Aro said. Aro is creepy, he reminds me a little of a child who wants something like candy and can't get it.

I see the hesitation before Bella, Renesmee, Emmett and Jake step up towards Aro. Demetri and Alec come up behind Aro to ‘level out the playing field’.

“Hello Aro,” Renesmee said before putting her hand up to his face.

Demetri growled and slunk into a crouch.

“Its her way of communicating,” Edward said smoothly.

I roll my eyes, LAME! Ya, I am that mature. Problem? I don’t care. The wind blew restlessly and I shifted slightly to make myself more comfortable. This is going to take a while. Where is Auntie Alice and Uncle Jazz?

On the Cullens side I could see Garrett whispering things to Kate and I sigh. What's going to happen today?

“Amazing!” Aro exclaims.

“What brother?” The slimy blonde Caius asks.

“She has a gift. An amazing one.” He smiled creepily before turning to Alec and nodding. Alec disappeared in a gust of wind. Where did he go?

Just then Auntie Ali and Uncle Jazz strolled onto the field followed by two unknown vamps who seemed a little off.

“Ah, Alice!” Aro crowed as she made her way towards the Volturi. As she came close Demetri made a grab for Jasper, but my physical part of the shield was up and running so he basically bounced off a bubble around Uncle Jazz.

Aro looked at Demetri curiously and then a surprised look crossed his face. “Bella! Are you a physical shield?” She looked confused but before I could hear her response I felt myself be grabbed from behind. But before I could scream a gloved hand covered my mouth.

CLIFFY!!!!!! Comment!Vote and all that puzzazh

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