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The greatest medicine to heal any heart is love💓

    Lady Charlotte, stood in front of the elegant bronze mirror, it had been a gift from Christopher, he was a stickler for shiny things.

  Inspecting her transformation, dressed in a common peasant clothing, comprising of a brown tattered gown to worn out sandals that had some of its straps missing.  Her hair had been styled haphazardly by her maid, Violet, and her hands were encased with cheap jewelry.

   She was satisfied with what she saw, she could hardly recognize herself, as she moved around in front of the mirror. 

Taking a quick step, she faced Violet who was standing idly, at a corner. "I want you to pack up four to five days journey worth of food and less expensive clothes, I want everything to be ready before night fall."

Violet looked at her in apprehension. "Yes my Lady" she was hesitant, "I'll do as you've instructed me" . Moving towards the bedroom door, Charlotte's voice stopped her from leaving.
  "Do you have anything to tell me Violet? You can say it now."

    "Yes My Lady, I think it will be a good idea, if you let the men go. You're a Lady, you aren't even suppose to wear those." Violet gestured by pointing towards the attire. "I mean they're not fit for you my Lady. "

Charlotte looked at Violet's small tender form. she picked up a hairpin from her table  as she asked.  "How old are you violet?"

Violet wasn't expecting that kind of question, but she answered. "Twenty and two my Lady."
Charlotte smiled. "That's why you'll never understand any of the actions I take.
I was your age when I had my daughter, although I was a mother, I was too naive. I let my child grow up in a foreign land, eat  foreign foods, wear foreign clothes,  all because I let myself believe that, they'd find her and bring her to me."

She looked at Violet, whose eyes shown with sympathy.

" its time I go out there and find her myself". Charlotte adjusted her hair as little strands escaped from the band. "Make the necessary preparations that I've asked of you Violet. Do not be worried about me, I know just where to go."

Thanks for reading!
Things are about to get bumpy!

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