chapter six

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  A tall man hidden away in the dark, was leaning over a pale, limp, male body. His arms wrapped tightly around the torso, holding it up. Mouth pressed against the soft pale skin of his neck. Lillie couldn't make out what was going on, but something about the situation didn't feel right. She knew she shouldn't be out all by her self, but she got bored and climbing out her window wasn't exactly hard. She stood frozen in place observing the scene infront of her. For a moment she thought that they might be kissing, but she didnt rememeber ever seeing her parents kiss like that. The tall man moaned slightly into the other guys neck, and Lillie automatically took a step back. Her foot came down awkwardly and she accidentally let out a hiss in pain. Instantly her eyes widened as she realised her mistake. The mystrious guy snapped his head towards her and a low feral growl escaped his mouth as he stared down at her menicingly. Her hands flew up to cover her mouth as she gasped loudly. Her widened eyes glued to the ruby coloured liquid smirred over his mouth and chin. Lillie may only be five but she knew straight away what the man standing infront of her was. She still couldn't drag her eyes away from the blood on his face, and she noticed his lips twitch up into a smirk. Her breath caught in her throat and her mind felt like it was shutting down. She didnt know what to do. All she did knew was that she was about to die. He dropped the lifeless body to the ground carelessly, eyes trained on the young girl standing before him. He stalked towards her, each step bringing him closer and closer to the frightened little girl. She was noticably shaking, but other than that stayed perfectly still. She looked into his brown eyes as he stopped infront of her. He inhaled deeply and his smirk intensified. Lillie's breaths were coming in fast. Her heart racing away in her chest as if trying to run away from the situation its self. Her eyes stayed locked with his as they started to change. Blackend veins started to appeared under his eyes, his canines lengthening to sharp points and another hungry growl escaped him. His eyes travelled down to the pulsing artery on her neck, and licked his lips. Slowly he smiled, the blood still around his mouth made him look all that more terrifying. Before she could comprehend what was happening, he lunged.

Mouth open. Razor sharp teeth. Blood. Screams. Pleas for help.

I jolted awake. Twisting and turning. I looked around the room breathing hard, one of my hand flying up to press hard against my throat and the other fumbling around for my phone. The sunlight streamed in though the slightly parted curtains, lighting up the room. I stayed where I was, breathing heavily on my bed. My hand feeling around my neck for any signs of injury, but found none. I frowned slightly at what I was doing and slowly bought my hand down and into my lap. I didn't understand my sudden panic, I couldnt even remember my dream. The dream was like a balloon. One minute it was there and the next it wasn't. I've always been bad at remembering my dreams but this one felt different. This dream caused panic and fear to form in the pit of my stomach. I stared at the wall infront of me for a few moments, calming myself down, before taking a deep breath and getting ready to face the day and pretending it never happened.

"Scum ball. Scum bucket." Aunt Jenna listed, as she watched the T.V. I plonked myself on the sofa next to Jenna and smiled.

"Scum bag?" I offered. Jenna laughed.

"Most definatly."

"Who are you guy's talking about?" Elena questioned as she walked in carrying a large carboard box and then placeing it gentally on the table. I shrugged in response.

"Him," Jenna pointed to the T.V. "The news guy, also known as Logan "Scum" Fell." She glared at the T.V and i chuckled softly beside her. "Did your mom ever tell you guys why I moved away from Mystic Falls?"

"Oh, no way..." Elena looked at Jenna before smiling. "You and him?"

"He's kinda cute." I said.

Imagination is the key (stefan, Damon love triangle)Where stories live. Discover now