chapter eleven

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It's been hours and Vicki and myself are still trapped in the Salvatore house. Not that Vicki probley minded from the way her and Damon have been dancing around the house. I havent moved from the sofa apart from the odd times i needed to pee. Vicki and Damon both have tried to get me to join in with them, but i refuse and make a crude comment every time.

"I'm so over Tyler, so over him. I knew from the begining that i was only a piece of ass to him, but though maybe if he got to know me better, he might see something more. But no." She explained as she danced wildly through the parla. I felt for Vicki i really did. She just wanted someone to care, and she deserved that.

"Jeremy, on the other hand, he sees me, ya know? He see's who i really am, and he wants me that way, he doesnt want to change me. He not ashamed of me." She said dreamily. I lent over the back of the sofa facing her and smiled softly at her. Her are Jeremy are perfect for each other in my opinion, they like each other just the way they are, they dont want to change the other to be better. That's love.

"Jeremy, huh? Anne's brother? Damons asked nodding in my direction swiftly. Vicki looked confuzed at first, with Damon calling me Anne, but quickly caught on.

"Yeah, yeah. Elena and my brother used to date so they always seemed to be together, and Jeremy would always be hanging around- crushing on me." She stopped dancing for a moment and looked at Damon, cocking her head to the side. "Why, dont you have a girlfriend? You're, lile, totally cool and soo hot!" She observed. Damon smirked at her and i scoffed loudly.

"I think you blind, Vick." i stated. Vicki laughed and Damon flashed over to me in seconds. Standing infront of me grinning. Before i knew it, i was back over his shoulder. I put my elbows on his back and suported my head. He walked over to Vicki and started dancing. Vicki laughed at us as Damon twirled us around and around. I tried not to, but i couldnt help the small giggle the escaped my mouth as we spun in circles over and over again.

"I cant be that bad if i made you laugh." Damon stated jokingly as he gently placed me back on my feet. I swayed slightly from side to side as the world spun and twisted.

I didnt answer him, instead walked over to Vicki and decided to enjoy myself. I swayed my hips my side to side and moved my arms around suductivly.

"That's it. Now it's time to have some fun!" Vicki cheered as we embraced and danced around.

Stefan's bedroom is exactly how i would have espected it, it was old looking, but homely and comfortable. I layed on Stefan's bed as Damon and Vicki slow danced with her explaining her life. I felt sorry for Vicki. With everything she had to go through. What with her mom being a total slut and not giving a shit, and with her feeling like a screw up just because Matt seems to have a future planned out whether he knows it or not.

I looked around the messy room and analysed everything. His room was full of old leather-bound journals and i was itching to see what was inside. I mean he's been alive god knows how long, the things he would have seem, the things he must have done. Incredible.

"Death." was the only would i could make out before a sickening snap was heard in the room. My head twisted to the left to look at Damon and Vicki but was on my feet instantly with the scene infront of me. Vicki's limp body laying lifeless on the ground and Damon dusting his hands of like nothing happened. I felt sick. In moments i was by Vicki's side, her head in my lap.

"W-what did you do?" I stuttered out. I brushed some of the hair out of her face, gently tucking it behind her ears.

"Snapped her neck." He responded like it was nothing, like it didnt matter and then enraged me. I could feel the anger pulsing through my veins. I lifted Vicki's head off my lap and stood facing Damon. He watched me playfully, his eyes twinkling with curiosity as i took a step closer. As quickly as i could, i pulled my fist back and swung forward with as much strength as i could muster. My knuckles connected painfully with his left cheek bone, his head snapping to the right. I bought my hand back and dropped it too my side. As soon as it happened i regretted it. What have I done? I asked my self bitterly.

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