Chapter 23 Quitting Already

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Chapter 23

Quitting Already

Jason's POV

The next morning I felt tired and grouchy from yet another sleepless night. I was up tossing and turning for hours, it was only when I took a cold shower for half an hour that that I was able to catch a couple hours of sleep.

I'm not sure how much more I can take before I reach my breaking point and just pull Gracie into my large cold bed.

"Morning Jason." Sarah beamed as she came out of her room already dressed in a purple jumpsuit

"Same to you." I replied as I pulled her up into my arms for a hug

Like clockwork her small arms wrapped around my neck as she clung to me like a baby kola. It's as if she knows I need the comfort. A few moments later she pulled away, I set her back on her feet as we descended down the stairs.

Sarah took careful steps but I still stayed close just in case she lost her footing and slipped. I don't like her going down the staircase alone and the same goes for Gracie especially since Gracie is alone all day. Lucielle told me she was fine though after she checked up on her.

All through the day I was worried about her and it only eased me slightly to know she was okay.

"So what do you want today?" I asked as we took the last step down

"Hmm cereal." she answered with a giddy tone

I'm a culinary chief with five stars for every restaurant under my belt and I'm pouring Lucky Charms, I thought as I set the bowl down.

"Alright you eat up while I go wake mommy up."

"Than we can go to the park."

I nodded although it is only eight thirty I think some fresh air would do us all some good.

"Sure but don't rush your momma while she eats, she's still a bit sick." I warned

The pearly smile dropped from Sarah's face as she swirled the cereal around the bowl. At that moment with her dark head down and those emerald gems filled with sadness Sarah looked exactly like her mom.

"Hey don't worry she's getting better." I assured her now regretting my earlier comment

I just wanted Gracie to take her time and I know Sarah would be so excited she'd rush her.

"But he'll make her sick again." she mumbled sadly

"Who?" I asked as I bent down to her height

Raising her dark glossy head up I could see she was seconds from crying with her round saucers filled to the brim. It was frightening how alike she and Gracie are.

"Ben." she whispered as if he could hear her

At the very name I felt my fists clench in fury-the sick bastard shouldn't be out and if I run into him on the street I'll give him a reason to leave town.

Stroking the side of her small cheek I forced my own emotions away.

"Sarah I promise you that I will never let him anywhere near you or your momma." I said meaning every word

"But momma says your going to leave town."

"I'm actually staying." I replied without even thinking for a split second

"Pinky promise?" she mumbled as she rubbed her eyes with her small fist of tears

Lifting my pinky up to hers I crossed them together and placed my other pinky over her tiny one. "Double pinky promise."

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