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My head hurts badly. Hangover. Another one. Drinking a lot forget something or someone really does not help. I feel like I might get addicted to alcohol soon. I stand up holding my head and go to my bedroom looking down to take each step as there are many glass shards on the floor. I must have smashed the bottles again.

Lately, I am becoming much and much impatient without her. Opening the drawer of the nightstand, I take out the advil strip and have one tablet.

Fuck! It's hurting badly!

My body dropped itself on the bed as I ran my hand through my hair. Only one thought, only one person is running in my mind... and my heart.

Diana. My beautiful Diana.

I want to go to her, hold her, kiss her, smell her and tell her she is going to be all right. But that last one might not happen as long as I am with her.

It has been two months now since the accident. I call Mrs. Thomas every day. I can't help it. Her health is better now. That is all I know about her for now. It would be better to call me stalker though. Since the past few days, I am waiting outside her house sometimes, sitting in the car, just to get a glimpse of her if she comes out or stands by the window. I do it when I miss her the most. Which is normally every day.

The temptation of going to her and telling her who I am is always around the corner. Maybe it's a good thing that she forgot me or I would have surely run to her one day. The more I stay away from her, the more insane it is making me. Greg has told me many times to go back to her.

I look up from the bed and find all her stuff still lying around. Her clothes are here. Her hair and makeup things are on our vanity table. I didn't have the heart to move her stuff. Her shoes which I bought for her are covering half of our shoe rack, although I never mind that.

This place came alive when she came in. I used to feel excited those few months we were together to come home and see her beautiful face. Now, these brick walls do not ease my pain. It's just a house like it used to be.

I miss her a lot. Greg asked me a question before leaving.

Maybe she doesn't remember you, but there are chances that she might if you try. Why stay away from her and feel this pain?

That question is what I answered myself many times whenever I felt like going to her. If I stay with her she might die. At least now I get to see her from a distance. I don't like the thought of her leaving this world. I don't want another one of the people I love leaving me. I asked Greg to leave as well. Who knows what might happen to him.

I really am a bad luck. I am a monster would be a right term maybe. I eat away everyone that has come close. I am better off without anyone.


Why does it have to be me?! Why am I such a bad luck?!

Six Months Later

My eyes read the file in front of me as my fingers flip the pages. The report is good. Her health is getting better and better. Now she is completely fine.

"She might be having a few headaches sometimes if the stress is more, but that can be taken care of." Mike, the person I have put in charge of Diana, said. He follows her everywhere on my commands. I might not be there to watch her every minute, but a person I hire can. I don't want anything happening to her.

What if something happens when I am not there?

Her health reports have come out. He spoke with the doctor regarding all the questions that I have.

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