Ch. 5: Acid Fog

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Lilly's POV

After the conversation with Bellamy, a few hours passed when he left with a group to hunt while Clarke, Wells, and Finn went to get medicine. Oh how I love, love triangles. I was helping with the meat with some other dude. To say he was annoying is one way to put it. I was currently cutting up some meat up to put in the fire when he decided to stripe up another conversation of complaining.

"So, I told Bellamy that I would hunt with him and he called me weak. Me? Weak? Has he seen-"

"Will you shut up?" I basically yelled. "I don't want to hear about your problems. Do I look like a damn therapist?" I asked him and he closed his mouth.

"Someone's on their period." He mumbled under his breath.

"Period? If you wanted to see blood just tell me so I can chop you up. Come here." I said, knife in hand while he ran out of the food hut, screaming in a high pitch.

"Well, that's not something you see everyday." I heard a voice say. I turned my head and saw Murphy. He no longer had his jacket on and it left him in a gray t-shirt. His hair was messy and his face showed red, visible bruises along his cheeks.

"Next time don't pair me up with him." I demanded, walking back to  my position.

"I didn't know you would try to kill him." He said. "Plus, I just wanted to piss you off." He smirked.

"Oh, what a great friend you are."

"What happened to bestfriend?" He asked, gasping for dramatic effect.

"Sorry Murph but Tavia replaced you." I said patting his shoulder. I swiftly moved the raw meat that was cut up to the right of the table and grabbed another piece. It was silent for a few moments but when I tried making a conversation, a loud horn went off. I looked at Murphy scrunching my eyebrows together in confusion before walking out, him on my heels, and looking to see what was happening. All of a sudden, people started running to the dropship, covering their mouth and nose while coughing. I was still confused until I saw a huge yellow cloud of fog coming.

"Run." Murphy said, pushing me along to the dropship. I heard people screaming in pain but pushed it aside while running into the safety of the dropship. The fog got even closer and before it could get in, the doors shut. "What the hell was that?" Murphy panted out of breath from running so fast.

"I don't know. But we can't leave until it's gone." I stated. "Guess you're in charge now. Think you can handle it?"


I don't know how long it's been but I'm guessing hours. I'm pretty sure it was dark outside now and the fog was probably not gone yet. I was on the bottom floor, leaning against the wall of the dropship while people were complaining about all the noise Jasper was making while they tried to sleep.

"Will somebody shut that kid up!?"

"Can he just die already?" I heard people shouting in agreement and other things. No matter how much I loved Jasper, his groans of pain were irritating me.

"Alright, that's it. I'm ending this." I heard Murphy say. I looked over and saw he was getting ready to stand up. I saw Monty look over too.

"I heard that Bellamy said he'd give him until tomorrow." A girl who was near him said.

"Yeah w ell Bellamy isn't here, is he? The kid's dying already, I'm just getting it over with." Murphy said, and I saw Monty speed up the ladder and it shut as Murphy was climbing up.

"Murphy! Leave it alone." I demanded and he ignored me, continuing to bang on the hatchet.

"I'm gonna kill that kid, Monty! Let me in!" He shouted and people groaned at the noise.

"Murphy! Just let it go! You're not getting up there!" I yelled over him tiredly, tugging on his pant leg. He looked down at me and angrily sighed in defeat. I took his hand, leading him over back to his makeshift hammock and laying him down. "Get some sleep." I whispered.

"I'm not tired." He groaned, trying to stand up but I pushed him back down.

"The bags under your eyes say otherwise. Now quit avoiding it and  go to sleep. The sun should be rising in a few hours." I went to go back to the wall I was against when his hand latched onto my wrist.

"Stay with me. I need to know that you're safe. You're the only friend I have here and I don't need you dead." He pleaded, his softer side showing.

"Murphy, I'm literally 6 feet away from you." I said but he just stared at me, eyebrows raised and I let out a defeated sigh. "Fine, but there's no room." I stated and he shrugged. He pulled me by my wrist and I fell on top of him. He let out an exhausted sigh, wrapping his arms around my waist and shutting his eyes.

"Night Angel."

"G'night Murphy." I replied, snuggling into the warmth from his body and falling asleep. I hope Bellamy's okay.

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